Chapter 8

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"Spa!" Paige says happily, the four of us girl share a look then nod. "I'll drive" I say before we get in my car.
As we pull up and get out we smile this place was amazing, we get massuses before manicures, face pack thing, pedicures and oh starnge other things.

As we finally pulled back up at mine we decided on movies and pizza while hearing stories of young Walter and Toby.
"PIZZA" me and Megan yell, I like this girl I tjought as Paige paid. We were laughing when the door burst open, Toby stood there dripping in water. I raise an eyebrow "Girls night" I state as he flops on me making me groan. "Nattt I have a problem" I then realise he was drunk, making me smirk "Whats up big bro?" I ask sending the girls a wink. "Your a girl and I like a girl but she doesnt express her emotions so what do i do? Do i just kiss her or what?" He asks. I roll my eyes "Who is it?" I ask, he sighs "Happy, now I think I will be sick" he says stumbking to his feet then heading into my bathroom. We hear him being sick and pull faces, "Ohhhh Happy who do you like?" I ask we all turn to her and she bites her lip. "Toby" she mumbles, I grin "Really?" I ask and she nods meekly. Paige laughs a little "You go girl" Megan says, Happy sends me a sneeky look "What about you?" She asks. I think for a moment, "Well I cant-" i was cut off by my brother stumbking back in "Just kiss her" I say and he nods before leaving. I sigh "As i was saying I cant be certain but I may like Walter" I say making everyone smirk. "Yes you have to!!!" Megan exclaims happily "Go snog Sylvestor then" I say and she nods. "Touche my friend touche" she responds making us all laugh.
Next day:
I woke to find Happy sprawled over me, Megan in the middle and Paige curled up in a ball. I sighed and pushed Happy off of me as my phone rang "Hello?" I ask tiredly. "Its Walter" the gentle voice says, I yawned "Whats up?" I ask. "Can you open the door?" He asks making me groan "Ugh fine" I reply getting up. Megan sighed and looked at me "Walter?" She asks making me send a look before walking to the door. I opened it and Bruno ran in, I glanced to find Walt staring at me. "Morning" I say, he smiled "Morning" he responded. "JUST KISS ALREADY!" Megan yelled, making us look at her and I glared. Happy smiled at this while Paige was making breakfast but I knee she was laughing at me. "Do you want to come in?" I ask, Walter nods and enters. I headed into the kitchen to find a smirking Paige, "You act like a school girl with a crush" she states. I gasp "I do not and I do not have a crush on Walter!" I exclaim "MEGAN SHE LOVES HIM!" Paige yells making ne slap her arm. I hear Megan laugh and sighed, "I DO NOT" I yell making the girls to laugh. "DENIAL" happy yells, a knock sounded on the door and i hear them open it. "NAT I NEED ASPRIN" toby yelled entering the building. "TOP DRAW" I yell back. "THE BESIDE TABLE" I then remember to yell. He enters a moment later holding the tablets and grabbing a glass of water. "So hows the girl you like?" I ask he freezes "I have no idea what you mean" he replies, i smirk and he goes pale "No! Agh i am dead" he mumbles as i giggle "Just kiss her" i reply and he glares. "Just go snog walter then" he responds. "Im not going to go snog walter!" I respond and he smirks "Oh really" he says, "Yes really" i say crossing my arms. "So if you had a choice to snog walter or jerry parks who would it be?" He asks. "Walter" i say and he smirks "Doesnt mean i am!" I exclaim. He laughs and i glare "Just snog Happy" i snap before storming out my kitchen. Everyone in the living room raises an eyebrow, "Bruno" i call and he runs over. I take his lead. I then walk out with a sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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