Chapter 4

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I watched as Natalie was lickes attacked by her dog Bruno. "Walter meet Bruno, Bruno meet Walter" she says holding him in her arms. I smile and ruffle its head causing it to seem more excited. She passed him to me as she pulled out her purse and handed over the money while I was being attacked by Bruno. Natalie started laughing and attached the lead. I put him down and we exit the building. "Thats one active pup" I say making her laugh. It was angelic and harmonic. A sound that made me smile. We drove back and entered Natalie holding the lead until Bruno saw Toby and ran at him. I laughed as Toby groaned, he shot me a glare "Walter you really have no idea" he says making Nat laugh "He already attack Walt, Tubs" she says smirking a little. Toby rolled his eyes but nodded, Happy petted Bruno "Whats his name?" She asks "Bruno" Nat replied casually. I tried not to laugh at everyones confused faces. "I liked the name" she said holding her hands up in surrender. "Then name your kid Bruno not a dog" Toby says, Natalie shrugged "Yeah well I didnt so Bruno" she called. Bruno came running at her and she picked him up, "Im going to go freshen up see ya" she says before walking out. I pick up her phone and walk out, I see her sat in the car hugging Bruno crying. I knock on the window and she looked at me, I got in and passed her the phone. Bruno whimpered slightly as Nat put him in the back. She started the car "You can stay till my place or wait till I get back" she says. "I will come" I say and she nods. We drive in silence for a few moments. "Why were you crying?" I ask, she sighs a little and gives me a small look before turning back to the road. "I lived in Britain ever since I could leave the care of my mom. I left here to start afresh. I worked for Goverment until one day I was walking back to my apartment it was around midday, I heard a scream and turned a man stood there with a gun aiming it at me. I froze as he walked forward, he grabbed me and dragged me down the alley. Had his way with me then-" she froze and I placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned to me and gave me a small smile "He shot me three times in he abdamon. I bled out, I only just made it out alive but when I woke the doctor said 'Guess what you can no longer have kids' then I left" she finished. We came to a stop at her place now and i did the most rational thing. I pulled her in for a hug, she responded to it easily "Why didnt you tell anyone?" I ask she looked at me. "Really Toby would become all Tobiasy, mum would just panic and tell me to use oher methods and my stepdad wouldnt care" she said with a sigh. I then realised "Today is the day your dad died isnt it?" I ask and she nods. "How did you know?" She asks. "This morning you said you didnt think Toby remembered today and you used the word Stepdad" I say making her laugh a little, "You really are a genius" she says with a sweet smile. "Come up?" She asks getting out the car after grabbing Bruno, I nodded and followed her to her apartment. Her apartment was bigged than expected, she had a double bed pushed against a wall, a bathroom leading off , a walk-in-wardrobe, a large kitchen, dinning area and a living room. She smiled as Bruno ran around before curling up in his basket on her bed. She looked at me and grinned, I then saw she had a balcony "Balcony?" I ask and shrugs. "Yeah but if you look at the view its amazing" she says. I nod, she pulls off her hoodie and throws it on a chair before entering her wardrobe, she came out a few seconds later in a fooball tshit and skinny jeans, she slipped on some red pumps and grabbed a denim jacket. She puts some fpod in a bowl for Bruno who was asleep, shut bathroom door, grabbed her keys and we left.

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