Chapter 7

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Once I had helped clean up Walter's wounds, I see Bruno running around Cabe in circles. I giggle at this "Bruno" I call, he stops and runs over jumping on the chair beside me then climbing on my lap. "You pamper him to much" Walt says trying not to laugh. I stick my tongue out and he returns it.
We arrive back at the warehouse and i sit down, Ralph and Drew enter "Hey Natalie" Ralph says. I smile "Hi Ralph" I respond, Drew nods in my direction. "Nat word" Walter says, I nod and go up the stairs. He shuts the door behind us, i then pull him into a hug. "Thank you sooooo much Walter for today and last night" I mumble, i hear him sigh as he wraps his arms around me. "Its okay" he mumbles into my hair.
The door opens and we pull away from our hug to find Toby looking very confused "Walter can I talk to you a moment?" He asks. I smile and walk out, "Hi happy" I say. She smiles at me "Hi Natalie" she replies, Paige walks over "I just had a great idea! Lets have a girls night!" I say they look at me then each other. Before nodding, "Oh Bruno who can look after Bruno?" I ponder. "Toby?" Happy questions. "Walter?" Paige asks at the same time. "Walter I think, I cant really trust Tobias with my pup" I say making them shake there heads. "I'll ask in a bit, why is Tony talking with Walt anyway?" I ask sitting on my brothers desk since Happy had the chair. They both shrug and I nod looking towards the shut door. The other door opens and we look to find Cabe "I think your missing two geniuses" he says looking around. "Toby is having a private chat with Walter upstairs" I say, Cabe nods before the door opens and the boys came down. Walter seemed to be angry but blushing and my brother....well he was angry, happy and smirking. "Oh sis we need a talk later" he says making me gulp, "I think I am going to die" I state. "Wait it will have to be after girls night, Walter can you look after Bruno soon" I say. Walter nods "We could invite Megan" Happy says, "Megan?" I ask. "Walters sister" Paige says making me nod. "Walter tell Megan she is joining are girls night" I say, he sighs "But you'll end up doing something annoying" he whines "Oh stop whining or I will ask when she coming?" I ask as the door opens. "His Megan" Paige says making me smile, "No please No" Walter says as i jump off the table. "Hi Megan I'm Natalie, me, Happy and Paige were wondering if you would like to join us on a girls night?" I ask she looks at Walter then smiles "Since my brother is shaking his head, I would love to come" she says making me smile. I turn and poke my tongue out at Walt, "But-" he stops under megans glare and I smile

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