Chapter 6

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I reach her apartment and knock on the door before opening it. I was attacked by Bruno and I picked him up "NAT?" I yell into the apartment shutting the door. I walk in futher and find her crying into her pillow. My heart hurt when i saw her like that, I walk over putting Bruno down and sitting beside her on the bed. "Go away" she mumbles. I sigh "I'm not going Nat" I say brushing some hair away from her face. She sighs and visably relaxes. "Walter" she says looking at me, I nod "Why does he hate me?" She asks. I shake my head "He doesnt hate you Nat" I say. She sighs and sits up before leaning her head on my shoulder, I wrap an arm around her waist and rest my head on hers.
We stayed like that for a while before I lied down slipping my shoes off, she joined me a second later and rested her head on my chest. I sighed and inhaled the scent of her rasberry shampoo, she sighed and shifted slightly so that she hugged me as well. I smiled a little at this and placed a kiss on her forehead. Before i fell asleep like Nat....

I woke to find the bed empty, I looked around and found her stood in the kirchen cooking. She smiled as I entered "Morning Walt" she said happily making me laugh a little. "Morning Nat" I replied, she smiled at me "I am making pancakes do you want some?" She asks. I nodded and she took out two plates, she put the pancakes on our plates and grabbed some sugar, lemon, syrup and sauce. She put chocolate sauce on first then sugar, marshmallows and chopped strawberries "Got wnough sugar in that" I joked and she shook her head. I put lemon and sugar on mine and we ate in silence the silence being broken every now and then by Bruno begging for food. "Thess are brilliant" I complimemt, she smiles and blushes "Thank you" she responds, a knock sounded on the door before men burst in. She gulped and licked her lips and I pushed her behind me the men smirked "Look what we have here" he says I made us slowly back up "Bruno" I called, he ran over and I grabbed him. I presed dial on my phone for Galo please answer. "You and your boyfriend are going down sweetcheeks" one sneers. I frown in confusion. "Boyfriend?" We both chorus, "Him" they say pointing at me. We roll our eyes "Not dating" I say, they give me a look before I was punched. I hit the floor, my phone skidded and hit the wall. I groaned a little, they went to grab Nat but I knocked them over. I hear sirens and they quickly run out "WE WILL GET YOU" they yell before they were gone. Nat sat beside me on the floor leaning against the wall, Bruno came over and I laughed as he started running in circles. Nat giggled and I wrapped an arm around her in a protective way. "Walter?" Worried voices yell accept one. "NATALIEEEEE" Toby screamed. Nat pulled a face, she then sighed and hugged me tightly "Thank you" she whispered. I realise how she is still scared and hug her closer to me. The door opens and the team file in, Toby runs forwards and stops when he sees us a smile on his face. "Nat I think your brother wants a hug" I whisper, she looks up to Toby and reaches up her arms he walks over and helps her stand before pulling her into a hug. She takes his hat and puts it on poking her tongue out making us all laugh. Cabe helps me stand "You got first aid kit?" Cabe asks, Nat nods and enters the kitchen before coming back out with it.

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