Chapter 3

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"Natalie the leader of the team Walter O'Brien, Walter meet Natalie Green a deductionist, hacker, good combat skills and as she likes to say a fashionista" Cabe says. Walter gave me a smile which I returned as I shook his soft hands. "So tell me what do you see or know when you look at me" he says. I roll my eyes "Your father didnt really conect with you as you were a child genius, you have one sister who you pray will recover I hope she does. You hacked into NASA to get blue prints from your bedroom wall. I could carry on but where is the fun in that?" I ask, he nods. "Eh thats slightly-" Drew starts, "Do not call me a psycopath" I say making Toby laugh. My phone started to ring and I picked it up "Hello" I said pretending to be happy. "Oh sweetie have you heard from Tobias lately?" I hear mum ask, I pull a face and pass it to Toby he takes it hesitently. Then shoots me a glare as mum starts talking, "Whos on the phone?" Walter whispers. "Our parents" I reply, he sends me a smile as he tries not to laugh. "No mum....I am perfectly fine!" Toby exclaims making me laugh, Walter chuckles with me. "Yeah but Natalie was nearly killed today!" He suddenly says, I wince as he passses it back with a smirk. "NATALIE JADE CURTIS HOW CAN YOU NEARLY GET YOURSELF KILLED!" she yells at me. "Well Toby nearly got killed by a car when we 11 and I had to save him" I say dropping Toby in. He glares and I pass the phone back, as you can tell me and Toby try and not talk to our parents especially since what happened after dad died. Mum got drunk and ended up getting a boyfriend. He was abusive and when I was 15 I had been sexually assulted and spent most of the year in hospital. "Hang up" I mouth. "Ma I think Im loosing ya, oh lost ya" he says before hanging up. We both breath a sogh of relief. I take my phone and hit against the table till it breaks which is a few times. "I need to get a new phone" I say looking at the damaged phone. Toby laughs at this and I stick my tongue put which he returns. When we are together we are children.

"NATALIE!!!!" a voice yelled as I stepped into the warehouse the next morning. I sighed as Tobias comes barraling towards me, I dodge out the way making him knock a person behind me down. "Oh hey Happy" he says making me roll my eyes, I go upstairs and find Walter. He gives me a smile as I sit down. "How you feeling?" I ask, he shrugs. "I know what you mean, I think Tobias has forgotten what day it is" I say. He frowns slightly confused. "It doesnt matter Walt" I say, he nods and gets up before sitting beside me on the sofa. I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder, "I got a new phone" I ssy breaking the silence. I hear him humm before I pull oit the new IPhone, I had modified it. He looks at it and starts typing stuff, I was trapped between his arms so I could see him hacking into my phone "Really your password is 'Skittles'?" He asks making me pout. "Yeah they are amazing" I respond, he chuckles and goes on my gallery to find a lot of photos of me and Tobt as children and my dog Bruno. Bruno was coming home today!!! "Whos the dog?" Walter asks "Bruno he is mine, he is coming home today" I say excitedly. Walter laughs a bit but nods, he swipes and sees a photo of me, ma, dad and toby. We were all smiling and I was drenched. "Why are you soaked?" Walt questions while trying not to laugh "Toby threw me into the pool" I mumble and he bursts out laughing. "Hey dont laugh at me" I say pouting and crossing my arms. He smiles and nods "Not laughing" he says holding up his hands in defeat. I giggle at this and he goes back on my phone. He clicks the camera by mistake and then he switches to front. We share a glance and start taking a few selfies. When my phone rang the dog sitter "Hello" I answer, "I will be right there for Bruno" I say before hanging up. "Come on do you wanna come meet Bruno?" I ask, Walter gets up and I drag him to the car.
When we pulled up and entered the area my small white Bolognese pup came running up at me. I giggled and kneeled in front of him as he started licking my face.
photo of Bruno on side

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