Love and Reality

701 23 15

Fun yandere song up there ⬆
I sleepy.
I should go sleep...
Try to keep a good (enough) sleep schedule y'all. ♡
Don't forget to drink water (or lemonade) and take care of your selves. ♡

   I found a book on one of the shelves in my bedroom that looks interesting. Not that I need a new book in my library at my castle, but I enjoy reading it enough.
   I sit on the couch in the living room with my book while Shattered obsessively cleans the house... Basment?... My little prison that Shattered has made for me.

   While living with Dream, he would do the same thing. Every couple of days, he would obsessively clean everything there was to be cleaned. I tried helping him once but he kept smacking my hand away or telling me that I was doing it wrong.
   Not that I'm gonna complain too much.

   When I lived in my castle with my team, I did most of the cleaning to. Horror and I would cook dinner togther every night. It was the one time of the day when he wouldn't act like an idiot, so it was also the one time of the day that I wouldn't be yelling at him.

   It was nice. It was our time of quiet, and we'd just make dinner for everyone.
   Then we'd all eat dinner together.
   Dust kept wanting to eat alone, but I insisted he eat with us.
   Cross had terrible table manners at first.
   I won't even talk about Horror's table manners... And he never learned. But I'd let him get away with it sometimes, he did help make the food after all.

   I realize that I'm not paying attention to what I'm reading. I'm gonna have to read the page all over again. Shit.

   I miss those fucking idiots...

   "What are you reading?" Shattered asks as he sits beside me and cuddles my arm, noticeably trying to keep his tentacles away from me.

   "No idea, I've been trying and failing to read the third page." I tell him. Shattered giggles at that.
   "Just been holding the book?" He giggles, "Okay then. What are you thinking about?" He asks.

   "Thinking about how much I miss my freedom." I tell him truthfully. He stops smiling after that. He frowns sadly.
   I stop at that. I want him to feel guilty about keeping me here, but I don't want to push him to the point where he becomes dangerous.

   "The book. Are you enjoying reading those first two pages at least?" he smiles up at me sweetly while pressing his cheek to my shoulder.
   "Uh, ya, I guess. There isn't much I can get out of just two pages, but so far I like the writing style." I explain. We both kinda ignore my comment.

   "I tried picking out these books for you. But if there's any time that you feel like reading a specific book that isn't already here, then I can go get it for you!" he smiles to me.
   "Thanks." I tell him.

   "Could you- maybe read it to me? Maybe that will help you focus more?" Shattered asks.
   "Sure, I don't see why not." I say.
   I flip the pages back to the first page and start reading just so he has a little more context.
   As I read to Shattered it reminds me of all the times I've read to Dream.

   I read to him all the time when we were kids, but even lately, when I was living with Dream in his house, almost every time he cought me with a book in my hand, he'd ask me to read it out loud for him to hear.

   It never mattered what book it was, happy, sad, scary, Dream loved hearing me read.
   I'm sure Shattered feels the same way, but I can't shake off the fact that he is not my brother.

   I read the whole chapter of the book to Shattered before I got bored of reading out loud.
   Shattered smiles up at me anyway.
   "How do you think the story will end? I hope it has a happy ending." Shattered sits up and stretches his arms and arches his back.

   "I hope there's some kind of twist in the middle. This world that the main character lives in is too perfect. I think it's all going to turn out to be fake. Like a dream, or a fantasy to separate him from reality." I tell my honest opinion.

   "But that's so sad! Why can't he just be happy in a perfect world?" Shattered whines and pouts.
   "Because... That's not how the world is. Sometimes things are sad." I look at Shattered and smile softly to him. "You can't always force something to be happy. And that's okay."

   Shattered smiles sadly to me. He nods his head slowly.
   "...That's okay." Shattered repeats. "But... That's not how I want it to be..." Shattered mutters.

   I frown at him disappointedly as he hangs his head sadly. His tentacles wrap around my arms and legs that surprises me.
   "Shatter-" I gasp as the tentacles pull me up then pushes me back down harshly against the couch.

   I try struggling away and even manage to slip my hand out of Shattered's grasp, it was short lived however, since his tentacle immediately grabs my arm again.
   I try to shuffle away from Shattered as I notice him holding something in his hand, I try kicking him away that makes his tentacles hold me down tighter.

   I hiss in pain at how tightly his tentacles hold me against the couch so I'm laying on my back with my arms held on either side of my head.
   Fuck this position!

   "Stop struggling!" Shattered whines.
   I try struggling more, not even caring if he breaks my wrists with his tentacles.
   Shattered starts getting more annoyed with me.
   "Stop moving!" He yells at me. He sits on my lap to stop me from wiggling even more.
   Fuck this position more!

   I'm held down tightly and unable to move under Shattered's weight.
   He opens his hand to show another one of those marbles. Similar looking to the one that took away my magic.

   Shattered pushes his hand against my chest as he leans down slightly.
   "Don't. Move. Nightmare." he growls at me. "You need your second dose."
   I glare up at him as he crushes the marble in his hand and lets the magic flow around my head.

   My body starts to feel weak and I can feel my head growing a migraine.
   A second dose? So this thing wears off after a few days?
   I'll keep that in mind.

   Before I completely lose consciousness, I feel Shattered kiss me gently.
   Then. Nothing.


Hey everyone. Me again.
Sorry for the slightly late uploads. My dominant hand is currently going through an allergic reaction, and I'm finding it a little difficult to write chapters.
This here is why I write several chapters ahead of time.
But I'm running out of them...
So I'm sorry if the uploads are a little inconsistent now.
Thank you for your patience ♡
Lots of love ♡

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