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Ziya's POV

The days of reckoning were upon us, just three more days and the future of Asgard would be determined. Nervous wouldn't even begin to describe what I was feeling, and it wasn't just me. Everyone seemed to be walking around on edge; the stress was getting to people, and just the slightest things began to set them off. And yet, my people trekked on, pushing the boundaries and training to their fullest capacity.

I sat once again in the conference room in front of the Lords and Ladies, the royals of Afisa, the councilmen and various generals and officials as well. Today would be the day we discussed what was to occur on the actual battle field.

"I would like to thank you all for taking time out of your schedules to come to this meeting, I am sure you're all anxious to go back and train your squads," I said. "Roland if you will," I said.

"Yes your Majesty, I'll be sending out your orders from this moment onwards, so please do your best to pay attention. I know each squad is equipped with with combat fighters, mages, and healers, but I also recognize that some squads are better than others in different aspects. So, the floor plans go as follows, squardron one will be leaving a day earlier than the rest of us, you have some of the best trackers. I want you to scout the area and make sure Liam isn't planning some surprise attack. We don't know if he'll keep to his word, so it's better to be safe than sorry. Squadrons two through seven are going to provide our line of offense in hand to hand combat, as you know the Tribe of Arvada specializes in hand to hand combat and they utilize heavy grade weapons as well. Don't take them lightly, you'll have a difficult battle ahead," Roland said.

" Squadron eight through eleven will be our battle mage users, it is imperative that you neutralize the sand storms that they can make. If the defense gets caught in those, then we've already lost the battle. Squads twelve through fourteen are our long distance fighters. And squads fifteen through seventeen will be our healers, I expect you all to closer to the rear of the battlefield, no doubt they will try and attack you first so be ready," Roland said. "Keep all communication channels open, especially with the citizens in Asgard. Another task of squadron one is to place transport channels all across the battle field. If Liam decided to plan an attack on Asgard, we'll need to move quickly...squadrons three, four, ten, thirteen, and sixteen will go back if necessary," he said.

" The Venatores will provide back up if needed. As for me, I'll be fighting Liam," I said. And as I expected my announcement was met with immediate backlash.

"Absolutely not," Lady Rosie said.

"Have you lost your mind?," Lord Caelum exclaimed.

"If you're going to fight him, then I'm coming with you," Darius declared.

My head snapped in his direction and something like a sick feeling festered in my stomach at the idea of him coming into contact with Liam. And I reacted before I could even think.

"One thing I would like to make abundantly clear to everyone is that under absolutely no circumstances must anyone other than myself go up against Liam," I seethed.

And Darius being his oh so stubborn self tried again.

"But if I could just be ther--," he started.

"NO!," I yelled. The room fell silent.

"No," I said quieter this time. I was heaving at this point, I couldn't explain to you why I was so upset by what Darius said. "If there are no further questions, then I'll take my leave now...meeting adjourned," I said.

I left the room then and walked towards my study, after sitting at my desk I tried my hardest to calm my beating heart which was racing so frantically. But before I could even begin to calm down, I heard the familiar stomps of the current nuisance in my life making his way over.

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