Captured {part 1-unedited}

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  The feeling of ice water being dumped on me is what snapped me out of my sleep. I looked around to see that I was in some dank dungeon with no light or windows. It smelled like dried blood and piss; I felt something touch my leg and when I looked down I saw it was a rat. I immediately kicked the damn thing away from me. I was snapped out of my surveying when another bucket of water was dumped on my head.

  I looked up to see the man who had grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. I reached out to attack him on instinct and found that I was strapped to the damn chair. I tried to use my magic, but my powers were being blocked.

  "Uh-uh...none of that bullshit witchy crap you Asgardians like to do. This entire place is warded," he said smugly.

  When he smiled I was able to get a clear view of his teeth or at least what was left of them. Yellow teeth and black gums; his breath was so foul I swear I could see the green smoke coming out of it. I scrunched my face away in disgust.

"The boss man was a bit occupied today so he won't be able to grace your presence until tomorrow. For now it seems like you're stuck with me. Luckily for you he said not to touch a hair on that pretty little head of yours," he smiled.

I tried not to visibly cringe from him and instead kept my face neutral. The last thing I wanted was for this pig to know that he was getting to me.

  "I guess introductions should be made, the names Q, I'm the boss mans right hand guy," he said.

"I don't care," I snapped.

"Woohoo...feisty aren't ya? I'd watch your tone if I were you. This entire place is spell proofed; you're practically powerless. Don't forget that. Look I got some important shit to attend to so sit tight," he laughed.

He left the room, slamming the door on his way out. I immediately started to struggle against my restraints. But the binding began to dig into my skin; the damn thing was enchanted. If I moved it only tightened its vice grip. And if I wanted some blood circulation in my hands, I needed to stop struggling.

I surveyed the room to see if there was anything that would aid in my escape. But the cell was stripped of any type of appliance. Unless you would count the rats that would scatter across the floor every once in a while.

I thought that maybe I could jump up and down in my chair and smash it. But the damned thing was bolted to the floor.

They thought of everything...

It just hit me how elaborate this plan really was. This wasn't some rag tag group of human garbage; whoever was directing these scumbags was intelligent. Fear began to rear its ugly head as I asked myself countless of questions.

What's gonna happen to my kingdom?

Will I ever get to see my family again?

Will I ever see Darius again?

The last question was a bit surprising seeing as how I was still upset about our last conversation. Why did he have to be so damned stubborn? Why was I so damned stubborn? I should have at least tried to talk to him. At least say goodbye. For if I were to die in here, the last thing we did was hurt each other.

I was beginning to panic now...what if I never saw him again. I was angry at him and I was angry at myself. Damn it, I just wanted to hold him.

Frustration at my helplessness and the situation that I found myself in caused me to struggle against the restraints. But I was reminded about what my reckless actions would entail, when I felt the sudden tightness of my wrist and ankles.

Calm down Ziya...this isn't you. Just remember to breathe.

Even my mental pep talk wasn't doing me any good. I was brought out of my reverie when I felt my stomach grumble.

  Oh great...I hope they aren't planning to starve you to death, because that would be a most cruel and unusual punishment.

  Q didn't leave any food behind and I wasn't sure when he was planning on returning.

  So I waited....

  And waited....

  And then waited some more...

  That big headed bastard didn't seem to want to make an appearance. I called out his name a few times and was met with utter silence; if you chose not to include the pitter patter of rat feet running across the floor.

  I grew exhausted and uncomfortable in the chair and the slight hunger I felt in the beginning turned into hunger pains. In order to assuage the pain, I forced myself to sleep. I would fall in and out of short cat naps quickly losing sense of time. My body felt almost weathered from the lack of food even though only a day had passed. I wasn't used to not eating for extended periods of time.

The time had come for the supposed "boss" to show his face. I didn't know what I was expecting, all this time had passed and yet I couldn't place a name on someone who'd want to see my kingdom fall.

I could hear the faint footsteps outside the dungeon doors. I don't know why but heart started to beat so fast I thought it would fly out of my chest. The door slowly creaked open. Q was the first one to walk in, his signature smug face on display. Then a tall man followed close behind.

The cell was still dark so I couldn't really make out his face. Q had a lantern in hand and lit up the torches in the prison. Once my eyes readjusted to the new found light I could see the man behind Q clearly.

The man before me reminded me of a man I once knew. A distant memory that would from time to time plague my dreams like an awful sickness. He looked so very different...more evil somehow. Tall, at a staggering 6'4; coily hair that matched the color of tar. Sharp angular features that looked like they could cut through the strongest of metals.

  I was trying to reason with myself. There is no way that he could be standing in front of me right now. He was buried...I remember it clearly, I was there. But then I looked into his eyes. Those coal black eyes that scrutinized every step I took. Those black eyes that glared in hatred when I took a breath. Those black eyes that helped shred every last bit of humanity that I held close to me.

  How is this possible?

  My once calm heart beat against my chest like a jackhammer. A cold prickling feeling, that started from the tips of my toes and reached the top of my head, caused me to shiver. I could feel the individual hairs on my arm stand in attention, as if waiting for his next move.

  I was sweating now; it wasn't a normal one, it felt cold and foreign. I reacted before I could even think. I scooted my chair away from him, as if he were fire and I was the wood he was trying to burn. Never in my life did I think I'd have to see him again.

  "Oh come that really how you greet your father?," he smiled.


In my last chapter I mentioned the passing of George Floyd and my feelings about it. My sadness and disbelief has turned into anger. This past week I have been spending a majority of my time signing petitions and donating money where I can. I have spent hours on Twitter seeing videos of police officers abusing their power and injuring innocent protesters and I swear my blood starts to boil. Anyway I urge y'all to do what you can. I understand protesting isn't for everyone. If you can't protest donate, if you can't donate sign petitions. If you still want to give money and support BLM financially there are certain videos out on YouTube. All you have to do is watch without skipping any adds and you have just raised money. I feel that George Floyd was the catalyst to major change and I'm waiting to see what happens next.

Anyway I love y'all from the bottom of my hearts for supporting me and this book. We made it to 32k views and I couldn't me more grateful. Keep doing what you're doing my sharing and voting for His Queen. Thank you ☺️ 💞💞💞.

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