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To say I was merely upset would be a vast understatement of the truth. I was livid and everyone around me could tell since they stayed a safe distance away.

Darius called an emergency meeting and we all met in the conference room. While everyone else was seated, I was pacing back and forth. I could practically feel the steam coming out of my ears.

"What the hell happened?," I asked quietly.

Fergus handed me a letter and I skimmed over it quickly.

"Dear Queen Ziya,

  It is with a heavy heart that I relay the recent tragedies that have befallen the kingdom once again. The attack was the same as before, a large band of mercenary raiders. Fortunately they didn't do as much damage as they did to the Land of Diligitis, on the account that we were prepared this time. This time they attacked the Land of Verum; there attempts were to raid their treasury. They burned a few buildings down as well, but as of yet there have been no reports of casualties. It was strange, these mercenaries wore no symbol this time. Simply black and when we captured the leader, he committed suicide before we could extract information. I know that you are probably driving yourself up the walls and are probably fighting your way back home. But I urge you to stay where you are. The entire situation is oddly suspicious, but somehow, I feel as though Afisa has answers.

With much love, from all of us to you,

Lady Verum.

That familiar burning feeling on my back felt like it was on fire. I didn't need a mirror to know that my eyes were flickering like the flames that I could produce from my hands.

  I have spent almost two and half weeks in this damn palace and all I've learned was that I was someone's mate. I learned that a former citizen was performing forbidden magic. I learned that someone was messing with the wrong one. I needed answers and I need them now. And I willing to spare no expense to put this issue behind me. And I knew just the person to question.

  "Where is your mother buried?," I asked.

  "Excuse me?," Caspian asked.

  "I don't believe that I stuttered...where is your mother buried?," I asked.

  They were all hesitant to speak up; they must have forgotten who I was and what I could do. I was two seconds away from snapping all of their necks before someone spoke up.

  "She is buried in the royal garden," Julian spoke up.

  I looked over to see that he was standing outside of the of the conference room.

  "Good...take me there," I said.

  I followed Julian out into the garden, very aware that the brothers and Fergus were following close behind. I could imagine that Fergus had an idea of what I was about to do, and I didn't need to turn around to see the frown on his face.

  We arrived to a neatly tended to garden with the headstone of a woman staring off into the distance.

  "What do you plan on doing?," Peter asked.

  I didn't speak and moved closer to the headstone.

  "Lassie...please don't, we can figure this out another way," Fergus pleaded.

  But his cries fell on deaf ears, I was gonna get answers if it meant I had to rip it from her throat. I began the chant.

  "Dico vobis a mortuis. Exceptis placitis corone non hercle ego tibi parcat,".

  "Dico vobis a mortuis. Exceptis placitis corone non hercle ego tibi parcat".

  "Dico vobis a mortuis. Exceptis placitis corone non hercle ego tibi parcat".

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