The Ball {part.1}

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DNA-BTS (don't sleep on Kpop music it's lowkey pretty fire 🔥).


Hot water ran down my back as I stood under the shower head. I wanted to stay in the shower forever, but behind that door was Sierra. And I knew she would be patiently waiting for me to come out. I turned the water off and walked out of the bathroom.

Just like I expected Sierra was standing before the bathroom door holding a towel.

"Thank you," I said kindly.

"Your welcome your majesty, I laid out a dress for you like you asked," she said.

"Thank you again. Sierra do you by any chance know what I am to do today?," I asked.

I grabbed the shea butter from my luggage and moisturized my skin. Sierra began the tiring task of untangling my hair with her fingers.

"Oh yes how could I forget, later tonight will be the grand ball in your honor. There you will meet all the Lords of Afisa, the King, and the former King. As well as the rest of those in the King's court," she said.

"How exciting," I exclaimed. "I will have to come back and change I suppose," I said as an afterthought. "You will be here to help me out right?," I asked.

"Of course your majesty," she said.

She continued to detangle my hair and then began to style it in a sleeked down ponytail.

"Sierra, I know this will seem like a stupid thing to wonder about, but I just have to know. I have been here for almost three days and I have not seen any one else besides you, Finley, and a young teenage boy. This is an extremely large palace so I would have assumed I would see a lot more people. Why haven't I seen anyone yet," I questioned.

"This is how it normally his, his majesty prefers it that they are hidden" she said.

"But why?," I asked.

"His majesty does not like to see the help, he believes it taints the view of the castle. They work at night so that everything would be ready in the day," she explained.

"That is quite possibly one of the most preposterous thing I've ever heard of," I said shocked.

"If you don't mind me asking how is it done where you are from," Sierra asked.

"Well first of all our servants everywhere, they're not limited to their quarters or the kitchen. Secondly they are not treated like they are beneath royals, because they're not," I turned to Sierra to make sure she understood what I was saying. She looked shocked to say the least. "Think of it like this if you take away a royals money and status what do you have left?," I asked.

"A commoner," she said quietly.

"Exactly, my mother taught me from a very young age a persons status means nothing. You can be the richest man in the world but be dirt poor on the inside. That is why I treat those who help me so highly, why I'd prefer it if you called me Ziya instead of your highness. Because if it wasn't for the fact that I came from nobility I would just be Ziya. Nothing more, nothing less," I explained.

Sierra was quiet for a long time, she helped me into my dress which was a beautiful red satin v-neck dress that stopped mid-thigh. I wore a long black coat over it to keep me warm and paired it with some black heels. I decided a little highlight would do just fine with some lipgloss.

"How do I look?," I asked.

"As stunning as usual Ziya," she said earnestly. I looked over at her and smiled, what a great turning point in our relationship.

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