The Ball {part.3}

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"I would like to welcome to you all Queen Ziya ruler of Asgard," the announcer yelled.

On the balcony top I looked over a sea of people all wearing the color white. If I hadn't gotten their attention by that loud announcement I certainly got it with this navy blue dress. They all looked up at me and I remained calm. I slowly walked down the steps as not to trip and fall on my face.

Fergus was the very first one to meet me, he was wearing a nicely tailored suit that I knew he hated. He held out his hand to me which I gratefully took.

"You look great lassy," he whispered.

"Thanks, you look great Fergus I'm proud of how well you put yourself together," I whispered back.

"Glad you like it, cause I hate it, Rosalind had it made for me," he said grumpily. "Time to socialize I guess," he said.

"Can't wait," I replied back through clenched teeth.

Fergus steered me to four extremely tall and handsome men, with women on each of their arms. They perked up instantly when they saw that I was coming towards them. They ushered their dates to go somewhere else which the ladies didn't take so kindly too. Nevertheless they left before I reached the group.

"My Queen I would like to introduce you to the Lords of Afisa," Fergus said quite regally might I add.

The man closet to me gave me a small bow he like almost all of them had the palest shade of blonde hair I've ever seen. His eyes were a beautiful turquoise color and his cheekbones were strong.

"My Queen, allow me to introduce myself, the name is Lord Taylor of the South-ends. And can I say it is an honor to be of your acquaintance," he said.

"And the same could be said about you Lord Taylor," I smiled.

I walked over to the next gentleman. His hair was a more golden blonde, with pieces of platinum blonde strands running through it. He had the oddest pair of sea blue eyes with emerald green specks in the center. He bowed and gently kissed the back of my hand.

"Queen Ziya, my name is Lord Hayden of the West-ends," he said sweetly. Then pulling me closer he whispered the next part, "And may I say you are quite easily the most beautiful woman to ever grace this unworthy kingdom," he finished.

I had to laugh a little, "You are too kind my Lord," I replied.

The next man didn't even wait for me to walk towards him, instead he just swooped in almost. Unlike the other three, his hair was as red as the flames of Tartarus, and his eyes were bright and green. He sported an almost boyish charm, the dimple on his left cheek adding to his persona.

"The name is Lord Peter of the East-Ends, your Majesty. I have to say I've been waiting for your arrival for what feels like forever. And now that you're here I can hardly believe it," he said quickly.

His smile was so grand I couldn't help, but return the favor. His personality was so joyous that I found myself a lot better than I had when I walked in. He looked as though he was about to say more when he was cut off.

  "My lady, a pleasure to make your acquaintance," a voice said.

  I looked over at a tall lanky figure who looked nothing like the other three. This new man had long black hair that fell just below his shoulders. Light brown eyes twinkled with mischief and secrets.

"The name is Lord Caspian of the North-End, and if I am to be so bold as to say that the rumors truly do you no justice," he said.

"Ha, I am glad that I am able to exceed your expectations of me," I said.

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