Safe Travels {part.1}

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Way Down We Go-Kaleo


Some how I was able to get some shut eye, not enough to make me look alive, but just enough. I took my time with getting dressed, I was mostly stalling, but I gonna choose not to acknowledge that. It would take around seven days give or take to get to Afisa. Of course I always teleport myself and all my belongings there in less than two seconds. But like I said before I was stalling. I could still wear my loose clothing for the first couple of days, but after the fourth day I might have to wear heavier clothing.

I wore an olive green sundress and pulled my hair into a low sleek ponytail. Dainty jewelry would do me good on this trip.

Downstairs the castle was as dead and empty as could be. Not a single soul was up and then I realized that it was two in the morning. The sun hasn't even risen yet, but I couldn't force myself to go back to my room. I decide to walk the grounds once more. I felt like a ghost in the sea of the living. It just didn't feel right to go to Afisa. The very thought of it made my insides turn. But still I thought of my people and I knew that I would do anything to keep them safe.

  I owed them that much, my family has brought them nothing but misery. My father shamed our very Kingdom and my mother...well she broke the people's hearts. Mines included.

  I had made my third round around the castle when the sun began to peak behind the vast hills and mountains. Slowly life began to stir in the castle and every now and again I passed by a maid.

  "My Queen, your breakfast has been placed in your study room," a young boy said to me.

  "Of course thank you," I said.

  I gave him a quick smile and walked to my studies, he followed close behind, I found that a bit curious but I disregarded it. Opening the door the smell of all my favorite food became more prominent.

  "The chef wanted to make sure you had a nice meal before you left," the boy said quietly.

  "Tell her that I appreciate her efforts very much," I said.

  "As you one more thing," the boy stuttered.

  I turned my head towards him and he looked away from my gaze, his face turning a beat red. He opened his palm and whispered an incantation that I learned when I was his age. A single red rose appeared taking form from absolutely nothing. Once it was fully bloomed he held it out to me.

  "For you my Queen, but I'm afraid it does not compare to your beauty," he said shyly.

  My heart just about melted and clasped the beautiful flower in my hands. I pulled the curly haired boy into a tight hug and gave him mini kisses all over his face. His red face turned even redder, he skipped away giggling and I couldn't help but laugh.

  Being around that type of joy and innocence put at ease my worried heart. I ate my breakfast, but continued to marvel at the rose.

  In Asgard it is hard for us, even those built for war, to watch things wilt away. Whether that be a plant, animal, or a person. When we used magic to create things like flowers for instance we made it so that they would not shrivel when dead. But they would crystallize, the pedals, leaves, thorns, and stem would turn to crystals. Which was quite mesmerizing when the sun hit them just right.

  I finished the rest of my food and waited as the clock ticked closer and closer to the unknown journey to Afisa. It was the most agonizing twenty minutes that's I've ever experienced in my entire life. Finally there was soft knock on my door and Angelica peaked her head in.

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