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Ziya's POV

  Books were floating all over the place as I walked from shelve to shelve. Since finding out that Fiona was Asgardian; I knew she must have some books from Asgard. Or at least books that's she has written, so I said a spell hoping that I would find something.

  I heard a tap on the window and looked outside to see this huge wind cloud carrying books. I ran to the window and pushed it open reaching out for the books. There was a letter that came with it and it said.

  Our dearest Queen Ziya,

  This discovery that you have made in Afisa is a bit shocking to us to say the least. And to answer your question, yes we did know Fiona. She was a troubled girl that we mentored from time to time, but she had a big heart. She would always rave about forbidden magic and how it wasn't fair that she couldn't practice it. Fiona didn't understand the consequences. One day I remember we had a lesson and she was practically brimming with joy, she said she had met the boy of her dreams. I guess I should have made the connection and realized that that meant nothing but trouble. Nevertheless the spell to reverse the curse is in the books that we sent you. We wish you the best of luck and miss and love you very much.

With much love,
Lady Diligitis.

  Opening the book I went to work trying to find anything that would help Julian, who in turn I hoped would help me. Hours went by and I felt like ripping my hair out of my scalp. The books were in another some dead language that I could barely understand. Two times I had to perform a translation spell in order for me to then read it. And it wasn't even in English, I had to translate it again since it was in Latin.

  Next thing I know the words started to float on the pages. I could barely focus and I felt like I was losing my mind. Then a book came by and bumped me in the head and I lost it. I chucked the book I was reading across the room and I was about to light it on fire when a cough interrupted me.

  "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," Caspian said.

  " as you could see I was just...rearranging some things in the library," I said sheepishly.

  He nodded his head and then reached up and grabbed on of the books that were floating above and read the title.

  "The Effects of Herbs...riveting stuff I'm sure," he said.

  "Can I help you with something?," I asked.

  "No, I'm just observing the the legend herself in her natural habitat...your hand is on fire," he said.

  I looked down and sure enough it was, but it's not like I could feel it. I shook my hand a little and the fire went out. I sat down defeated and frustrated with the little progress I have made. I've been here since noon and it was dark now. Even with all the books I had in my disposal with the answers, I couldn't piece it together.

  Caspian released a long winded sigh, full of reluctance before he spoke up.

  "You know...if you need someone to talk to, I'm here," he struggled to say.

  "Most of the time when people say that, they mean it," I joked.

  "I apologize, this comforting thing is something Hayden or Taylor usually do. I mostly just observe in the corner and keep my thoughts and opinions to myself. But since you are providing us with an immense gift, even though we are meant to fix your problem. I believe that this gesture will be a equivalent to your kingdoms generosity," he reasoned.

  I laughed a little at his explanation and decided to concede. I wasn't going to turn away advise or a listening ear, even if it is forced.

  "When I was even your father's memories, I saw everything. I was there for each of your births, every party, every event; I saw everything. The spell that your mother used is not permanent, the amount of time it last varies. If your father was experiencing extreme distress or melancholy, the longest the spell would last was four days. If he experienced joy, then the spell lasted for months at a time," I paused.

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