Check Up.

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Dust: *It was 2 almost 3 in the afternoon horror and I were layzing on the couch and then I thought about calling killer and Cross I looked at horror* "Hey Horror wanna call Kills and Cross just check up on em' dude?"

Horror: *I sat up and stretched then looked back at Dust thinking bout those two so I shrugged and nodded* "Yes I want to check up on them"

Dust: *I pulled out my phone and called Killer waiting not long for him to pick up the phone* "Killer: Hello Dust what's up?" *I placed him on speaker so Horror could hear him too* "Put us on speaker and make sure Cross is there Horror and I are here" *I heard Killer yelling for Cross and then I heard Cross say hello as did Horror hear too, and Horror and I responded with a hello as well*

Horror: *I spoke in a question tone* "Hey Guys how are you doing? Have ya goofballs made up yet?" *there was a disturbing silence* "Well take your time"

(He's back in town and the FBI isn't going to interfere with our Narrator for now, Zip- this is a secret)

Narrator: Ahh what a lovely day to narrate, I'm back readers, Narrator's Rule suckers! **** and back to the story. The 4 Friends have a good conversation after changing up what they were talking about they were on the phone for 3 hours so it was about dinner time and they all had to hang up because things need to happen for dinner to happen *Gets important deja vu and gets on the ground and a bullet passes over his head* A sniper for reals!? The FBI is back like we knew would happen sooner or later!- Well then cya in the next Chapter maybe I better get running! *began running down the streets*

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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