Slow Memories

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Killer: *I woke up with a massive headache maybe it's a migraine- Fuck my head hurts and so do my feet I stood up despite the pain and I walked to The restroom to look for some painkillers for ibuprofen or just anything that would number the pain I found painkillers and I took some and yawned  and went downstairs to see Cross watching TV* "Cross, what happened at the party? I'm in pain my head hurts and my feet too."

Cross: *I took a sip of my sweet tea* "You got drunk last night so that's the cause of your head pain and you were dancing for hours so That's the idea of why they hurt you also fainted and I took ya home I don't except ya to remember" *Killer joined me on the couch and layed his head on my lap whining from pain and groaning sleepily*

(Time Skip brought to you by a needed nap)

Killer: *I woke up cuddling with Cross He looked cute when he slept I decided to just lay their with him I pulled him closer as I continued to Cuddle with cross*

Cross: *I woke up once Killer pulled me closer to him and cuddled me  of corse I kept my eyes closed I didn't want to startle him slowly I opened my eye sockets slowly and Killer was laying In between the croak if my neck I patted his back* "Killer: Hmm? So you are up cross." *I sighed and responded.* "How ya feeling Killer?" *He mumbled that he was alright.*

Narrator: The two rested and cuddled with each other just having a relaxing day but soon Killer would be remember  everything that happened when he was drunk he had a strong recovering memory so he would remember eventually what happened when he was drunk and Cross wouldn't know this happened he was just happy to be next to the guy he had fallen in love with even though he knew staying by Killer's side would have it's ups and downs. It soon became the late afternoon they skipped dinner because they were lazy and weren't hungry and they just were layzing around on the couch Cross was on his phone while Killer was thinking about things soon all his thoughts dissappeared and memories from the night before starting seeping in one by one every drunk and non-drunken detail.

Killer: I began going over the memories of the party from the moment we arrived to the last moment where I Kissed Cross telling him I loved him but also calling him Mr. Sun for some reason. I immediately got up and Cross looked at me worriedly. "Cross: Kills are ya okay?" I couldn't speak nor could I find the control to stop myself from blushing hard I ran upstairs locking my door behind me and I sat against the door not knowing what to do especially around cross he loves me and apparently I love him too just mind not soul yet.. What the fuck is wrong with me and him he loves me a emotionless freak and I can't truly love him without my emotions coming back and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing- . . .

Cross: I went upstairs quietly concerned about Killer I really didn't know what was going on he was also really red maybe he no he was Blushing if he had a fever he would have not hesitated at all this is serious. *I knocked on the door* "Killer are you okay? Can I come in?" *Killer responded quickly* "Killer: N-no! I you can't come in please just go away" I frowned and sat down against the door I sighed "No I'm not gunna please go away Killer please talk to me I'm your friend you can talk to me buddy I'm here for you plus I'm really worried about ya now."

Killer: I sighed and nodded to nobody but myself. "Okay we can talk but you can't come in you gotta stay out there where you are okay." "Cross: Yes Sir as you wish"
I chuckled softly at his response.

Cross: I smiled as I heard his small laughter. "Okay so what's going on why did you come to your room frantically huh?"

Killer: I got quiet for a moment not knowing how to respond. "I-i uh..." I sighed. "I remembered something well uh a few things from last's party"

Cross: I didn't feel worried I thought he ment something like he remembered something before he was drunk "Oh and it startled you?"

Killer: I blushed "Yeah I didn't expect for it to be what it was.." I decided to be brave and ask cross a few questions. "Hey Cross"

Cross: "Yeah what's up Kills?" Killer got quiet for a while but I waited. "Killer: Do you really love me? And was I a good Kisser last night Mr. Sun?" I flinched at his words and panicked. How the hell did he know these things wasn't he really drunk last night?!? "K-killer how did you remember those things from last night?!"

Killer: "I have a good strong mind that recovers memories even drunken memories I... Will you please answer me and I ask for the truth I know you were not drunk last night as a fact so no you can't get your way out of this Cross"

Cross: I sighed and calmed myself down. "I wouldn't dare lie to you Kills Yes I do love you, and you actually are a good kisser planet" I blushed embarrassedly and twiddled my fingers nervously.

Killer: I blushed hard and forced a frown. "How can you love someone like me?.. You know I'm emotion less right that I can't love you back the right way at least nor can we be together, I-i don't even remember how to love I-...!"

Cross: I cut Killer off. "KILLS! Calm down and slow down Yes I know it's alot and I can't change my feelings for you I think your perfect to me! You Don't have to love me back the right way I can love you the right way... Killer I really love you with all my soul I don't care if we can't be together I want you"

Killer: I opened the door and Cross yelped as he fell on his back I helped him up he was Blushing as we stood so close I didn't show any emotions and I just stared at him.

Cross: I panicked at Killer's Silence "Killer?"
He signed.

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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