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Cross: I yawned as I looked at the most beautiful skeleton I've ever seen in my life. I blushed softly and I sighed still not believing I was this lucky to be with Killer he had every reason to reject me as I think about it. I smiled and pulled my everything into my arms and kissed him gently on the forehead I felt him shift and move onto me and he layed up on me yawning a bit before he smiled softly and kissed my I kissed him back we broke apart as both of our phones were set off from the sound of someone calling us. Dream was calling me and Nightmare was calling Kills we were confused I kissed Killer once more than walked to the hallway so it wasn't so awkward when Killer picked up the phone as well. I answered "Hey Dream goodmorning what's up?" He said in a sweet happier tone that usual. "Dream: And a very goodmorning to you too cross! I hope I didn't bother you but I had a question for you." I chuckled lightly. "Oh no not at all I was awake already" I gazed at Killer and waved he smiled and waved back he too was on call with the other Dreamtale brother. "Dream: great well I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out with my brother and I. He insisted on inviting Killer so I insisted on inviting you" I raised a eyebrow in curiosity of what the 2 brothers had planned awe man. "I wow that sounds like a fine idea just the 4 of us hanging out." Killer darted a look at me and gave me a thumbs up with a small smile. "I'll go just text me the info and I'll get ready" I scratched the back of my neck as dream squeaked with happiness. "Dream: Oh Stars can't wait cya soon!" He hung up and I sighed and went to sit down next to Killer Who was also off his call.

(When he picks up the call)

Killer: I picked up my phone cross kissed me beforehand going to the hallway then answered. "Hey bossmare man" Nightmare sighed at the nickname. "Nightmare: How many times have I told ya to stop calling me that?!" I laughed a bit. "Okay sorry Nightmare what's up?" There was a silence from him I looked at cross and he wave at me I smiled and waved back he was so silly and random sometimes but it was cute and I loved it. Nightmare finally said something. "Nightmare: I-i-i well... dream amd I were gunna hang out at the park and have a picnic and I wanted to invite you he decided to invite cross I nodded understanding" Nightmare sounded shy on the other side of the phone it was laughable but I didn't make it a scene. "Sure I'll go hang out with you nerds" I chuckled. "Cya Later noot noot" I hung up and Cross spoke aloud. "Cross: I wow that sounds like a fine idea just the 4 of us hanging out." I darted a look at him and gave him a thumbs up with a small smile. Then proceeded to lay on the bed waiting for him to get off the phone when he did he sat beside me then he got a text from dream he sighed and put his phone. "Cross: we have till noon kills." I shrugged and layed down.

(Time Skip to later)

Killer: I yawned as I felt Cross kiss my hand as he held it I smiled at him and blushed lightly and moved closer to him "What time is it?"

Cross: "It's time for us to get ready for that hangout out with The dreamtale Brothers." Killer Kissed my cheek and and pulled me up and into the hallway I whined. "K-kills!" He shook his head.

Killer: "Silly, Go get dressed I need to as well we have that hangout deal" Cross sighed and headed to his room I closed my door and got into some casual nice hangout clothes. I wore some vans, (As in the shoe brand don't get too dramatic on me lol or do I'd love to read the comment about cross wearing the non shoe van) ripped jeans, a button up shirt that was buttoned down a bit exposing my collar bone and a bit of my chest. I got my shades and had them up but on my head I was ready.

Cross: I sat on my bed and was looking at my phone seeing that Dream had texted me a minute ago He texted. Dream: 'Hey Crossy! I just want to remind you about the hangout nightmare and me are ready and are at the park in Dreamtale come by when your both ready. Cya guys soon~' I texted back. 'Alright we will be there ASAP.' I turned off my phone and got up walking out of my room I knocked on Killer's door. "Kills are ya ready yet honey? They are waiting for us." Killer responded. "Killer: Yeah I'm coming I'm coming give me a moment"

Killer: I finished tieing my shoe lace and shoved My phone into my back pocket I opened the door and jumped onto cross he caught me and kissed me before walking downstairs with me and setting me down. He made a portal and waited for me to go through he bowed and greeted "Cross: My lady!~" I smirked and rolled my eyes playfully as I walked through to find that I was under a tree cross came through and closed the portal behind him and we walked forward nearing the park I saw Nightmare and Dream I waved enthusiastically as a 'Hey!' Cross laughed and smiled and waved with me as we jumped up and down the brothers came over to us with smiles we gave them each a hug. "Hey guys howzit going?!?" "Nightmare: let's go to our picnic area first get settled in and stuff." I nodded and Cross and I followed behind dream stood next to cross holding his arm like always they are great best friends so I didn't mind it at all.

Cross: Dream let my arm go as we sat down I felt better that he wasn't cling to me like always I don't mind it but I just felt like Killer should be clinging to me instead. I sighed but then smiled. "Alright well what have you guys prepared? I'm ready to have some fun with meh family!" I call everyone my friends family they are the closest people I have to family especially Killer.

Dream: I smiled at Cross and made a presentation of the picnic I packed up with nightmares help. Cross and Killer Clapped and smiled. I blushed embarrassedly as cross patted my shoulder saying. "Cross: you did a good job dream." I looked at my brother pleading for the signal he shook his head I sighed in defeat.

Killer: "Ya know It's rare to see the Dream tale Brothers together I bet your energies must be killing each other right now, what's the secret?" I looked at dream and nightmare in curiosity. Cross must have go curious too he soon said. "Cross: Yeah how come you guys are so close today it's not natural.."

Nightmare: I sighed. "We went to sci and he gave us a pill that will allow us to be near each other for a whole day. It's not a big deal" Killer got closer to me and I flinched blushing at how close he was he put his hands on my shoulders I thought he was going to kiss me instead.. he said. "Killer: This is a big deal! Ah man do you know how much things the four of us can do today?!" I shook my head. Killer sighed scratching the back of his head sitting back down.

No one's POV.
The 4 ate the food and we're talking about random things or just problems Killer and Cross never once mentioned that they were dating now. Nightmare and Dream flirted Cross and Killer trying to get their attention. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone each. But their attempts were failing. During the end of the Picnic Nightmare looked at Dream and made a hand Motion the Brothers huddled side by side on their knees. "Nightmare: Hey Guys!" Killer and Cross were looking at the Brothers. "Dream: We wanted to ask you both a question." "Nightmare: Mine is for Killer and Dreams is for Cross" Cross and Killer looked at each other confused before they looked back at the two brothers. They spoke in Union. "Nightmare & Dream: Will you date me?" Cross and Killer's eye sockets went completely blank. Nightmare looked at Dream in confusion Dream shrugged. "Killer: Hahahaha!! Oh my goodness you guys were both so cute Haha." Killers eye lights returned as he was laughing. Cross's eye lights returned too but he didn't say nothing he just smiled nervously. "Killer: Ah man that was too much" Killer looked at Cross and Held his hand the two smiled. "Killer: Sorry Fella's but We already have each other" Dream was sad and smiled sadly trying to cover up his pain. Nightmare on the other hand was just angry and in shock. "Nightmare: I sent you away with my crush and you end up making him your cross. -Tch I should have known that you'd be more than trouble to Killer that day." Nightmare teleported away. Dream sighed and smiled warmly. "Dream: don't worry about him he's just disappointed we both are... We both had really big crushes on you guys but We'll be alright as long as you guys are Happy." A few tears fell from dreams eye sockets as he slowly packed up what was left of the picnic and left leaving the couple alone in the Park embracing another.

Killer: "I guess the cats out of the bag" I laughed Cross stayed quiet. I looked up at his face he looked guilty. "H-hey babe what's bugging you?.."

Cross: I sighed and pulled killer into a hug. "Are they still our friends will they except us are we doing the right thing?!?...." Killer looked confused then shrugged it off and smiled and kissed my cheek. "Killer: are you happy?" I nodded smiling a bit. "Killer: then no one else's opinions matter as long as your happy you don't have to listen to the haters and you'll also find out if your friends except you for who you love and who you are then they are real friends who should be happy for you." I Kissed Killer. "Oh Kills what would I be without you." Killer laughed and smiled. "Killer: who knows my love."

~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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