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Chapter 26 Isabel's POV

Chapter 26 Isabel's POV

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It's been twenty minutes since I'd gotten into this car.

Twenty fucking minutes of complete silence.

Even the radio had been turned off.

Harry hadn't said a single word to me as to why I'm in his car. To be honest I don't even know why I got in, it seemed like a good idea at the time considering I wouldn't have had any other way to leave other than my legs, but my body was in no state to walk any further than towards his car.

Just that trip alone from the container to the street made me feel weak, I needed to eat something even though I was sure I would throw it up anyway, it was the only way I was going to restore my energy that I know I would need soon otherwise I was definitely going to pass out.

There was a subtle ringing in my ears that reminded me of the consistent pain throughout my body. All my blood had seemed to drain from my head and go straight towards any area that was aching causing it to throb continuously. I swear I could feel my heart beat everywhere except where it should be.

I shuffled back into the leather seats of the car to try and let my muscles rest in a comfortable position, only to suddenly realise how hot it had gotten in the confined space. I leant my head back on the head rest only to bring it straight back forward noticing that my vision had gone white from the quick movements, the ringing in my ears getting substantially worse. Closing my eyes and reaching my arm out slowly to feel along side the passenger side door to locate the button to open the window. Pressing the button down took a lot more effort than it normally would making me note the lack of strength I also had left.

A cold breeze is what brought me back from noticing all the small details about my body that I hadn't noticed before now. The way that my chest restricts its full movement because if I pushed too far a sharp pain erupts throughout my body causing me to gasp in air like a fish out of water. Or the way if I flex my left foot my calf muscle twitches and reframes me from moving it any further.

Again, what the fuck happened to me?

Clearing my throat to speak was painful. Where there should have been a lubrication of saliva only dryness was in its place making it that much harder for me to talk. "How do you know where I live?" I croak outwards, hating the way I sound so deprived of water.

"I don't" is all that Harry says back, keeping his face directed on the road ahead of us.

"Then how are you taking me home?" I wish it came out more as a full sentence than mumbles of gasps in between each word.

"I'm not"

The bluntness in his answers that he's giving me is pissing me off. I didn't want to be here, in fact if I remember correctly he was the one to get me out of that place.

"Then where are you taking me?" I clear my throat again, trying to swallow anything I can to ease the rasp in my voice.

"To my house"

Again with the short pissy answers.

We don't speak for the remainder of the car ride.

I do steal a few subtle glances in Harry's direction though. He looked good. I wasn't going to deny it, anyone who did clearly had no taste in men or were blind. But that didn't mean I liked him.

God no, that would be disgusting.

Harry was irritating in ways I couldn't explain. Ever since the night I had been caught off guard with him coming to Luka's rescue I couldn't get the fucker out of my head. Even when I was unconscious his eyes would roam my body mimicking the actions from our very first encounter back at Limbo making my body involuntarily shiver even in my sleep. No matter what I did I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Drugs didn't affect my anymore, I would have to overdose on many different pills and powders to be able to get a response from them. Alcohol occasionally worked but I had to plan to get drunk days in advance if I wanted to get shit faced, which was very inconvenient. The preparation would start with me not eating anything, functioning on an empty stomach for days, working and going about my day like nothing was wrong when all I could think about was the empty pull of my stomach churning accompanied by the sounds it would make.

So substance abuse was out of the question when it came to forget Harry Styles. But that didn't mean I didn't try again and again and again.

Two years of trying to forget his stupid fucking face will cause you to build up a dangerously high tolerance for all kinds of shit.

He knew how he looked too, which made every encounter with him more unpredictable.

I had only seen him twice in my life but their was a magnetic pull or some sort of strong force that made me feel as though we had known each other our whole lives. Unfortunately that didn't mean I could trust him.

Yes, he did help me break out of that container and rush me away from those two men back there but apart from that he hasn't proved to me in any way that he hasn't gotten some sort of benefit out of it yet, which is what I'm worried about. The why.

Why did he help rescue me?

He sure as hell didn't look happy about seeing me that's for sure. His attitude was also another factor to prove my point, the snarky comments or short answers hinted to me that he wasn't helping me for me, there was something in it for him.

I just didn't know what yet. 


Hey my loves, 

I know this is a short chapter, sorry! I'm working on chapter 27 at the moment so hopefully I will have it finished and uploaded by next week!

As always feedback, votes and comments are highly appreciated x

Love EJ xxx

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