break in pt.2

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here you go <3

Billie's pov

without another word i hand finneas his phone back, and quickly wipe my tears before speed walking away to find my mom and manager.

i walk to the green room, and sigh in relief when i see both my mom and manager in there doing whatever they need.

"mom?" my voice cracks

her head snaps up to look at me after hearing the pain in my voice, and after seeing the nonstop tears flowing down my face she immediately comes to my side.

"what is it billie? what's wrong" her eyebrows furrow in worry

"lexi... sh-she got stabbed by a man who broke into our house. claudia called and she's at the hospital. mom i need to get to her" i sob not being able to handle knowing the love of my life is hurting

"oh my god, okay sweetie we'll go. i'm so sorry billie but she's gonna be okay, she's strong" she kisses my forehead

i sniffle and hug my mom, silently thanking her. she moves over to my manager and discusses the quickest way to get back to LA and thankfully my manager doesn't hesitate to let me leave.

not like that was gonna stop me anyway...

while they book our tickets, i start to gather my stuff and put it all in my backpack. not bothering to pack anything more.

i just need to get to alexis, i need to know she's gonna be okay.

i just can't believe that happened to her. and that i wasn't there to protect her. to caught up in worrying about how lexi is doing, i don't notice my mom come up to me until i felt her hand rest on my shoulder, making me jump in shock.

"are you ready bil? the flight is booked and leaves in an hour. the ride to the airport is 30 minutes so we gotta get going." she explains

"yeah i'm ready let's go" i rush out, immediately walking to the door.

with my mom walking a few steps behind me, she explains what's gonna happen to the tour while i'm gone. and i briefly listen, also hearing that finneas is coming back with us which i'm grateful for because i need him for support.

all throughout the ride there, the only thing on my mind was Alexis. whether it was worrying about her or just simply thinking of memories i share with her she was always on my mind.

she's the love of my life, my world. i can't loose her, i just can't.

*time skip the car ride and flight because i'm not about to write all of that*

the car ride and flight was just a blur. i couldn't really focus or pay attention to anyone or anything, my anxiety at an all time high.

but now that we're landed my mind is focused on only thing. i grab my backpack and impatiently make my way off the plane, not caring if i push or shove anyone.

once my mom and finneas are off the plane we all speed walk out of the airport and there's an uber already waiting for us.

with my mom in the front, and me and fin in the back he takes the time to comfort me. pulling me into a hug that causes more tears to form.

"what if something bad happens fin?" i whisper into his chest

"nothing's going to happen, lexi is gonna be fine" he shakes his head

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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