chapter 4:play along with fait

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After that conversation with his parents Type went back his room Even if all family members have their own personal room  Kla always insist to sleep with Type but today Type went to bed alone .Along with his all thought Type also think about Zee he was not sure about his feelings towards elder and he can't even name his feelings  but he was 100% sure that it wasn't Love❤ he always dreamed to share his all feelings of first love with his behalf 💏and his feelings towards zee was not that much intense

And about Tharn Type knows that like him Prince 🤴also don't have any feelings towards him and he have heard that Zee and Tharn are close friends and Tharn used to have relationship with so many girls so living a life a married life with a straight guy don't have any feelings towards him. His sister always talks about Tharn and his handsome face feature but even if  in between his life even if he fall for Tharn type thinks that Tharn will never love him back. Type cried for hours thinking about his faith but Type was not ready to waist his life like this and he also can't stand against his family That's why he decided hear Tharn's explanation.

He looked out through his window today moon seems more bright but not a full moon but like a piece of coconut 🥥🌙he closed his eyes and tried to some sleep💤  but he failed after his nth attempt he went back to his and kenkla's room and he cuddle with his sweet brother and as his wish he gained his sleep after few attempt

He always feeled so much closeness with his brother  ( feeling jealous because I don't have one 😭)

Next morning like usual every one in Thaiwat family👪 was having breakfast

"Son you should want to gain more weight look at you look smaller than Kla"

" Dad type is already fat as a Buffalo " Type's sister joked

" Phi dad was talking about pType not you "

"Kla Iam your elder even elder than Type so show some respect and at least once  support me"

"Then act like elder and stop behaving like a high school girl"

" Stop you two " Type's mom said while shouting

" Mom look at him he always behave like this"

" Stop complaining Pufai what he said is also right and get ready for a marriage at leastbefore your Kla "

" Why is Type is going to get married " Pufai said


"OMG don't tell me is he really going to get married with whom is he hadsome" Kla asked like he don't know about anything actually he knows about all these things even before Type

"Hm every please get prepared for todays party Iam going little bit early because I have something to do so "

"And pufai make your brother Type most beautiful boy in this World to night because he is going to meet his soon to be husband today"

"Why he is already beautiful " Pufai said and next second she changed her comment

"I mean he is not beautiful as me but he is also pretty" ( she is little bit jealous🙄)

" Oh this girl never change"

"Dad Iam ok with myself should  I must  wear makeup" Type open his mouth for first time in a this all conversation

"No baby you should I will also help you I want to make you the best and Tharn will fall for you at first sight"

"Tharn ? Who the Prince🤴 don't tell me" Pufai said while making a weird expression

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