Chapter: 14 jealousy

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Not edited please ignore mistakes 😅

" He must have used the way through back side but why? we all use this way include him ". Tharn thought

Even when they were riding horse That's mind was full of questions he was now totally disturbed . From starting Tharn knows that San is not a saint he know about all his dids San even once tried to molest one of the work offering promotion he is so manipulative. San is really cunning as a fox  That's why Tharn's kingdom always become number one day in trade market. San is former King friend's son Tharn's , Zee's , Bright's father's were good friends like thire son's and San always missuse this friendship

"P Tharn you ok? "
Type was watching Tharn and he could feel others tension

"Yeh Iam ok"

"Then why are you spacing out "

"  As the usual I was thinking about some office things "

"Are you sure you can share any thing with me "

"I am ok wifee by the way your horse is really beautiful just like you " Tharn fastly change the topic

"Thank you phi buy she is so naughty. Talking about horse I couldn't able to meet your horse yet "

"Hoo  you can see him tomorrow we can have a ride with with both of them. What is her name? "

" Her name is Bella "

"Mine name is Rayan and Rayan will like Bella very much  "

"Iam not sure about that she  is really  rude towards every other male horses she only like Kla's horse Brown some time she even fight with him  I think she is a feminist "

"But I think she will like him like both of us "

"Hmm who knows"

After reaching palace Tharn and Type went to shower and had lunch with family then both took a quick nap for saving energy for meet up

Meet up time

Type was busy arranging snacks and Tharn was busy greetings his friends and and brother in  law

" Where is my lovely brother P Tharn "

"There he is busy with snacks"

"How is he doing,happy right"

"Don't worry Kla he is is happy and I will never make him sad "

"I can see that he  seems  really enjoying his life here.Thank you P Tharn for taking care of him"

"Don't thank me Iam doing this because I like him not because your scary  threat"

" So you  were really sacred that day "

"To be honest A little"

They both watch Type happily running around the yard arranging thing's

" Kla. "  At last elder have seen and his yonger brother Type huged his brother with his all strength

" I really missed you kla "

"I missed you too phi"

"Type meet my friends Bright and win bright's queen"..

" Hlo P bright hlo Win "

"Bright, win this is my wife Type "

"Hlo Type god you are so beautiful " Win said while hugging Type

"Thank you Win actually you too look so beautiful and cute "

" Hloo Type long time no see " Zee greeted Type

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