chapter 5: gonna trust my faith

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At palace

King and Queen was waiting for their children's 👶👧👦 arrival at the common room so they can enter to the event together

Thorn was little bit🤏 angry about the fact that he couldn't able to be an part of event management King and Queen them self arranged the whole party thing's and about Tharn's marriage he was happy to hear that his brother is gonna get marry and going to be the next King but after hearing that Tharn is not happy with this marriage Thorn  becomes concerned
Thanya was really happy to hear that she is going to have a sister in law soon
Thorn and Thanya come to the common room Thanya with a huge smile she ran towards her mother

"Mother p Thorn said that we are gonna meet PTharn's bride👰 today"

"Yes dear we are"

"Is she beautiful is she is also a princess. What's her name what should I call her. When will she come"

" Oh baby so much question you are really excited am I right"

" Yes come on mother answer me "

" Yes princess he is really beautiful as you are. And his name is Type Thananong uncle's son "

"And you can call him PType "

" Type A boy? "Thorn said with shocked tone

" Thone don't shout " King said

" Sorry dad. But oh that's why Tharn seems really gloomy these days "

" So PTharn is going to get married with P type"

" Yes dear and trust me he is really beautiful . Beautiful than all the girls here"

"And Thorn we know you really care about your brother but As you we are also concerned about him and don't worry Tharn will be happy its just a Matter of time" King said while putting his hands on Thorn's shoulder

" Dady PTharn is here "

They all diverted their heads towards the stairs both Zee And Tharn were coming down Tharn seems little tensed but a lot better than past days and he looked so handsome

"Hello " Zee greated every one and bent over to greet Thanya

"Hello my little princess"

"Hello P Zee"

" Hi dad hi mom"

"You look handsome dear "

"Thank you Mother sorry I didn't mean to make you guys wait"

"It's ok son come here" King hugged Tharn and locked in to his eyes

"Tharn every thing is gonna be ok you are going to become the king and I am really proud of you and trust me it's all for your good"

"I know dad I trust you too"

"Majesty it's time to start the event everyone is waiting "
Lhong said while stealing some glance From Thron

"Ok Lhong lets go guys " King said and they walked towards the entrance king and queen was walking in the middle while other's were following them

As soon they reached at their Hall were the event were held Tharn's eye's were busy looking for Uncle Thananong and his family

Type's house

Type was nervously sitting on their family carriage and his mom, sister and brother was trying hard ti make his mood good

" Look Type it's really beautiful right " His sister showed him the bid estate that was near the palace

And as she assumed Type started to enjoy the scenery while looking out it's was his first time their and his eyes get wide and wide because of the beautiful scenery

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