chapter: 15 love

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First of all long time no see🫣

Iam back with a small update

I know iam  sooooooooo late

I have made some changes in Name of characters  from real to reel because of so many things

Brightwin to Sarawat tine
ZeeSaint to FighterTutor

I have had enough pain😅 from all these fan service things because I was immature and iam not that 18 year old immature girl any more I have learned so many lessons

1.they are actors with both professional and personal life we can enjoy their professional life as far as we can But we don't have the right to question in their personal choice or life

2.they can act as  homosexual or what ever but we can't insists them to be gay or bi in their real lyf. Sexual preference is not some thing a human can change

3.they make money from acting and fanservice
So it is their way of income nothing more nothing less
Iam not saying that actors dont have any friendship with their co-actors, some does have beautiful friendship But... But not every one okay
So we can enjoy their works until they continue to do so after that its as who need to move on

therefore we have to be really carefull with our mind 
don't get attached to any one, if you guys have, try to move on from now on okay
We can support their future works while being a audience or fan with out expecting much .
We have our on lyf which we should  priorities like that they have their
See it is simple (not for all i know but we can try )


Every thing happens for a reason

every one is enjoying their best time  teasing ,laughing ...... ect

Tharn was enjoying his  with his beloved sunflower who is getting blushy blushy in every comments made their friends and also small touchy touchy from  his husband  as type is really shy and reserved person who grown up under the protective wings of his family , he rarely had any social interaction between people other than his friends so he was silently enjoying everything 

but at the same time  our tiger Tharn was  eagerly waiting every one to finish their talk and to bid good ni8  to other so he can spent some quality time with each other 

"guys its getting late and cold so I think lets call it for a night" Tharn said

"yes guys look at techno he is drowsy  , ya wake up phi lets go inside"  Technic  said while trying to wake him up 

"Tutor and Techno share room with Lhong and  Kla you  with Nic and Fighter in B wing " said thorn

"okay phi"

" Sarawat and Tine can have the guest room in the  same wing" said Tharn have already asked the maids to clean the room beforwhead 

"and Type lets go dear look you are aleady freezing ,good ni8 guys bye"

every one bid good bye and left to their assigned rooms to sleep  for Sarawat and Tine it was like a an honeymoon our not so newly weds never ever waste any opportunity to make good memories 😌

B wing

Sarawat &Tine 's room

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Sarawat &Tine 's room

Fighter,kla, Nic 's room

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Fighter,kla, Nic 's room

Tutor ,No, Lhong 's room

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Tutor ,No, Lhong 's room

After returning to room Tharn went to have a quick shower and type was waiting for him to finish so he can also have a shower

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After returning to room Tharn went to have a quick shower and type was waiting for him to finish so he can also have a shower

He was taking ni8 dress from the cupboard then his tiny waist was held by a long veiny hand

"Babeee..... " a deep sexy voice

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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