chapter :8 He is cute

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Third one's pov

Every one in the palace was busy while making arrangements for marriage and engagement
Type's Father was responsible for inviting the honorable presence and other citizens
And Lhong was responsible for event management together with Thorn
Zee was responsible for inviting their friends and class mates and Saint the famous fashion designer was responsible for their Wedding and engagement dress 👔

And at Type's home everyone was missing Type's Dad he have been really busy lately
Type's Mom and P'Pai was busy while making Type more and more beautiful Type had gained a stable weight with in a weak and his skin had become more soft and his also his lips
The Queen have been sending plenty of kinds of make up items and skin care of items for Type including The ladies
And Type was mentally preparing for his target 🎯 his king

The day before their engagement Tharn and his family visit Type's home to give Type his engagement and wedding suit And Type's father was also with them

Type's home

Every one was sitting on their living room and Type was sharing his precious time with his family before his marriage

" I don't know why I miss Dad a lot " Type said while putting his head on his mother's lap

" That's because you are getting married Type I was for like this when I was about to marry your dad "

"Then after moving to this house with dad how did you feel mom you feeled home sickness? "

"Hm thinking about then yes I missed my parents and siblings so much but I didn't feeled home sickness because from that day I tried to make feel this my home and I trusted your dad he helped me to make me feel sake really fastly don't worry Type Tharn is just like your dad a gentleman he will make you feel safe"

"You both loved each other right that must be thrilling"

"We were also married just like you guys an arranged marriage but the trust that I had made our relationship more stable you should trust Tharn too and when ever you guys had any misunderstanding just clear them before the ni8 ok relationship need a stable conversation"

"Ok mom thank you know I really feel happy to have you you guys with me like you guys they will also care me right"

"They will darling" Mother pinch🤏 types nose tipe while smiling

"Hello everyone"

As Type hear his dad voice he ran towards his dad and huged him

"Dad I missed you I thought that you will not come back today"

"Ho baby don't squeeze me like that and look Iam not alone ok"

Type who was hugging his dad dad diverted his eyes towards the entrance

"Hi son how was your day" King asked while hugging Type

" It was great d.. Dad"

"Hwo look Tharn my son in law is really cute " Queen pinch his cheeks and Type turned into pink shade and that tind turn into dark red hearing Tharn's reply

"Ya he is cute "

"Take your seat tea or coffee"

" Its late ni8 just a glass of water it will be fine "

" Type's your home is so pretty care for a home ride "

"Of course Queen come with us "

"You can call me by my name ok"

Type's mom ,pufai and Queen went for a home tour while all other were seated at the sofa

"Hm Type they are here to give your your engagement and wedding suit"

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