chapter:12 dirty paln

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Type's pov

"Sleep well Typiee "

actually I was really tired and I couldn't hear things clearly because of that buy I feeled some thing on my lips some thing soft I didn't react

After 2 ⌛hours

I was woken up by the licking sensation on my face I was really startled at first but after opening my eyes I found a little cute creature on my top who wad early licking my face. He is really cute

"Hey cutie what is your name "

Third one's pov

Little cutie pie cuped Type's cheeks using small arms

"Hwo you are really cute"

"Nong Type may I come in? "

" Yes P Riya come in"

"How was your sleep Nong ?"

" Was really good phi "

As Type loosen his grip on the small body cutie pie ran fast out of room Type was about to follow him

"Ouch 😵"

"Nong don't shake your long look like it's not swollen than earlier"

"But it is really pain full Thank you phi for treatment"

"No Type I didn't King him self treated your legs
Hr carried you the all time "

"What? "

" Your king him self carried you the all way here and I heard that he also carried on the meeting also "

" How could I sleep all the time "

"You must be really tried Nong"

"But I really sleeped a lot last ni8 it is really weird"

"May be because of pain"

"Hm where is pTharn"

"In the office Ho Thanks Nong I really forget to inform the king I will be right back"

"Ok phi"

Tharn's office

Tharn cracking some contracts while some one jumped into his lap

"Hwo look who is here my cutie Chopper"

"Did you sleep well yesterday sorry I couldn't take care of you because I got another cutie pie yesterday ☺"

"From today Iam not your brother but dad ok andf Type is your Mom don't give momma hard time ok don't irritate him while sleep like you always do to me "

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"From today Iam not your brother but dad ok andf Type is your Mom don't give momma hard time ok don't irritate him while sleep like you always do to me "

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