chapter 6 : plans of faith

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When The king asked my family to come forward I was literally trembling but before even when I react Kla forced me to walk towards my dad with them my mom and P Fai were their I think Kla tried his maximum to make me less tensed and when my dad walked as to king I could sence every ones whispers that made me more tense
It was my first time  being surrounded with this much of people and know every one is looking at us  and kings voice raised again

" Meet mr Thananong Thaiwat Phawattakum our  palace minister and his beautiful family  welcome Thananong "

My dad shaked hand with the king

"And  meet Type Thaiwat Phawattakum our future Queen "

After introduced me he and our Queen gived a hug  And I slowly locked up to see Tharn My king ... I mean our future king

"Oh god look at him he is really handsome his features are sharper than knife is he looking at me

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"Oh god look at him he is really handsome his features are sharper than knife is he looking at me. Control type " Type self

After seeing him my heart becomed double and I feeled that my heart is trying to say some thing to me like it's like in the novel's fairytale did l fall in love with him already

" Type dear come and sit near Tharn " Queen gived me a beautiful smile and she lead me to the chair

Before I took my seat  he looked at me again
and give me a smile and I smiled back

He is freaking handsome no wonder these all girls shouted earlier wait type stop this nonsense you can't love him just like that because he Will never love you back Just ignore him and focus on king

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He is freaking handsome no wonder these all girls shouted earlier wait type stop this nonsense you can't love him just like that because he Will never love you back
Just ignore him and focus on king

As I was Turning my look towards king his eyes fall on a guy who was just sitting next to little girl

"PZee " Iam 100 %sure that he heard me not only him PTharn also and PZee give me a faint smile  and I feeled bad even though I had a little bit of attraction towards him I feeled that was mutual after seeing him in this situation I got two this that 1) he was attracted by me too
                                    2) I don't have any other feelins towards him anymore
But Iam little bit sacred because I think that Iam falling for Tharn in just in minutes and if I happened to marry him I will fall in love with him and he will never love me  I was really immersed in my thoughts

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