chapter:2 he is your fated one

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26 year back past

Before he cross the last step our Fortune teller🔮 inform the king that the problems that have been faced by them will repeat after 1/4 century means when tharn pass 25  the past will slowly repeat slowly
King was getting tensed up again after hearing that message

"Do we have any remedies"

"Yes your majesty like our expecting prince there must be a n another fated one in this world fated for him. But I couldn't feel her presence that mean we need to wait until her birth "

"Will this will repeat in every 25 year" Asked queen with full of concern

"I don't know but our soon to be prince must  get married to that girl and that will not be a easy process because your kingdom is under a Very strong cruise  because of some bad witches we should cross this situation by facing everything with bravery"

"I have heard about that from my grandma but I "

"You didn't believe that right"

"Yes "

"Don't worry your majesty after their marriage he will lead this kingdom as a king and all your childrens will protect this kingdom and your soon to be daughter in law will save your kingdom from this Obtricle"

"Then why don't we let her bstay here my love until their marriage or unitil her birth or else  "Queen asked with concern

"No worry queen I will come soon. As soon I feel her presence"

King and queen  was really worried but they wait wait until his birth

End of flash back

"Then " Tharn was really curious like his brother who always ask questions in between explanations

"Like  he said every thing went to normal after your birth "

"We waited for 5 year for your bride and in these year even in your yound age you always wanted to be a king like your dad and we always bring every princesses and very new born  baby to the fortune teller but he keep rejecting all of them"

"But one day fortune teller him self came to us and asked as to follow her and we reached at Thanayong uncle's home when reach there his wife have already give birth to a baby boy and fortune teller said that he is the chosen one "

"Thanayong uncles wife Ampha was healer and last heir of a great wizard family and her all her power was transfered to that baby "

"  He was so small cute fragile but he is the most beautiful boy that I have seen in my life tharn  even cutter than a girl "  Said the queen

"But mom "

"No more but tharn can't you see in  our kingdom  we haven't get enough rain last year and in near villages all the ponds and rivers have started to get dry we can't wait any more tharn please accept this he is your fated one"

"And you know Tharn how happy we were when we see that you have feelings towards boys when you started to date tar we were sad and we feel helpless but  " Queen word's was cut by Kings

"But he cheated on you and look at you always cry for him and even tried to date girls but nothing helped. You deserve better Tharn our kingdom deserve more Abetter tomorrow please help Our kingdom " King almost cried in front of his son

That was the most heartfull  thing for Tharn and he agreed to his marriage with type

"Ok dad don't cry like this I can't make you guys sad any more I will marry him"

"Thank you dear " On both of their face a small brightness can be found

"But I can't assure one thing that I am not sure about my feelings "

"It's ok dear you can take your time Iam 100% sure you will fall in love with him soon"

" Ok mom dad know stop crying like babes and Iam going back to my room bay "

"Bay dear" three of them hugged and Tharn went to his room with a heavy heart

"Don't worry my love he will be happy soon" Said queen

Tharn was really confused and was sad he think that he can't  never replace any one in place of tar because he loves tar more than him but at last what he got Only loneliness And if any thing happen to his kingdom he can't think about that too he always dreams about being a king just like his senior dad 

At last he made his mind to agree and follow his parents and h decided to keep a distant relationship between type in front of every one they will act like husband and wife but I'm in reality nothing but a room mate but he need to inform the younger man about his plan because he knows the pain of rejection and losing in love  before giving expectations to younger he need to talk to him for that thind he think his birthday party is the best Opportunity.

Tharn always think about other's first you can see here he even can't make some one hurt  who he even haven't meet yet

"Why it must be type a boy why it can't be a girl I don't want me to get hurt again and him to but I need to do this  oh god  can't you see Iam already broken 💔"

"Why Tar why did you made me like this like I can't live a happy family life . Why it always me" Tharn cried silently


To day Iam planing to update 2 chapters

Next chapter is about type and  in 4th chapter they Will meet as you guys can see Love is a  slow process until we get that spark

Don't hate Tar have his own reason

Lhong is not a evil person here  like in  series but a innocent sole 

                                                                         thank U

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