chapter:11 antagonist

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Type got ready after taking a bath and Riya helped him to put some make up because he was also going to join in a meeting as the queen after breakfast and then he went to the new dining room with P riya

When Type entered the driving room All the family members were seated on both side of elegant dining table But Tharn was not there Type looked all around the room but he couldn't able to find his King 👑

"Type Good morning" Every one in the dining room greeted Type

" hope you had a nice sleep son " Queen said while kissing on his own forehead

"Good morning mom, dad and yes I had a good sleep dad"

"Hello good morning princess " Type lifted Thanya and make her sit on his lap and kissed on her cheek

"Good morning p Type you look so pretty"

"Thank you princess"

Once again Type looked around the room for Tharn

"Good morning Nong Tharn will be here in any minute look like my brother in law started to miss my brother "

Every one in the room started to laugh and Type blushed after hearing Thorn

Type and others were waiting for Tharn they had a little chit chat casual family talk That made Type be more comfortable with new atmosphere after couple of minutes they heard someone's foot steps towards the dining room
Type was expecting Tharn but when he turn his look towards the men That was not Tharn That was tall man with muscular body

" Good morning Majesty and her Majesty "

" Good morning San "

" Hello Thorn My friend long time no see "

"Hello san where were you you didn't even attend the wedding.where is Tharn"

"Sorry I was on a trip regarding some trade and Iam here now to make it up to you guys "

"He went to attend a meeting with the workers in market "

"Ho he is already busy isn't it too early he just got married yesterday"

"It is in need but my workaholic son will never change and it was really important meeting he went as the king"

" Ho I see "

And then san diverted his head to face a beautiful man Type

"Ho I think you guys have another gust too "

"Hello beautiful may I know your name "

San asked because he didn't had any idea about Tharn's Bride
Type locked at San with amusement he was really shocked by this man's confidence to flirt with the Queen to younger King in front of his law's

"Ahm "

They all hear a sound from behind and know it was Tharn

" Hello P San long time no see "

"Hello Tharn I mean Young Majesty "

"Hey don't call me that call me Tharn like before "

"And this is Type my Queen " Said while hugging Type from side

San's eyes widen 👀after hearing Tharns answer
Of course Tharn was jealous how dare San flirt with Type Type is his 😒

"Sorry Type I didn't know that you were his wife sorry for my mistake"

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