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After what felt like ages, Carl and Abigail finally reached St Luciana's orphanage. They step out of the patrol car and glance around, ensuring no lurking shadows to be seen. Following up the footpath, the detectives begin to gaze upon the magnificent building. The marble stonework reminded them of the movies they had seen on tv, such as the hunch back of Notre-dame, and noticed matching gargoyles. The building was tall and, to Carl's mind, incredibly creepy.

The entrance to the orphanage was adorned with arches of cobblestone and heavy wooden gate-like doors. The real beauty of it all was the refurbished interior much to Carl and Abigail's surprise. Red velvety like carpet lined the floor, the walls covered in fresh crimson paint and barely any furniture whatsoever.

'Wow, they must like the colour red, thought Abigail'. 

They made way through the front reception and strolled through until they were interrupted by this short young girl dressed in black robes with white sashes across her torso. She had long coffee-coloured hair streaming down, drawing upon her shoulders; her face, while beautiful, had minor scars of long ago.

" Good morning, officers," said the young girl to the detectives.

" Good morning", Carl spoke first. she fidgeted with her robe and straightened herself, and asked

" So what brings you to the orphanage?"

"We are investigating a lead on a case, but I'm not going to bother you with the details,"
said Abigail brushing aside the conversation.

" awww, I wanna know now!" sighed the girl.

" that's enough, Lisa", boomed a voice from down the corridor.

"Sorry, Mother Francine," said Lisa bowing her head in an apology

"Now go and get the children ready for supper" Lisa turned and scurried down the hallway towards the mess hall.

Mother Francine turned her attention to Carl and Abigail and glanced them once over, and focused her gaze on the clock hanging above the entrance to the mess hall.

" We were just about to have supper detectives. Would you care to join us ?" she spoke politely but her tone, Abigail noticed, was annoyed with their sudden appearance at the orphanage.

Abigail took control of the conversation and spoke,

"That's kind, but we only have a few short questions we need to know for our investigation."

"investigation? Into what? Replied Mother, Francine, suddenly taken aback.

Abigail glanced the older nun over and answered back.

"Mother Francine, do you have the records of the children who have gone through the orphanage system?

"Of course, I have them in the basement, but why do you need this? she replied.

this time Carl spoke,

" What do you know of a Doris pilsbury?",

" Doris pilsbury? wow, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time, said Francine

" She used to come here often and volunteer, well that is until she met that hilbilly of hers, and she left the orphanage with another lost child; I never saw her again.

she said, sighing heavily.

Carl and Abigail exchanged glances, and Mother Francine gestured for them to follow her towards the basement in hopes to locate the records of children that have once felt alone throughout these walls. The frail nun pulled on a latch, revealing a small opening in the ground with a small narrow stairwell leading into the darkness below.

The detectives lead the way into the basement before mother Francine switch on the dangling light above their heads to reveal a old dusty room no bigger than a closet. There were an abundance of cans of a variety of vegetables and fruits preserved for the most desperate of circumstances. Below the seemingly endless shelf's belonged a large wooden crate with fragile stamped out in front and a cloth draped across the top.

Mother Francine gestured towards the box and the detectives crept closer to examine the contents. They lifted the rope attached to the box and pulled the lid back swinging and causing a dust cloud between them. They coughed until most of what they inhaled had disappeared.

"This is rather odd" exclaimed mother Francine shocked.

awestruck they gathered their composure after the contents of the box


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