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"oh sure, folks come with me, I'll show you the gear she left around," said the young woman. "by the way call me Jane," she said in a cheerful tone. Carl and Abigail followed jane around to a dark room with the inscription on the door STAFF ONLY. She pushed the door open and walked inside. "well guys, this is Doris's stuff," she explained. A clutter of books and old posters covered a large portion of a round oak table in the centre of the room. Webs started to cover up what's left of Doris's belongings. What was most strange about this pile collection was a few sets of high school yearbooks that looked quite old but still managed in good condition.

"Ummm jane," muttered carl "what's with the old photoshoot going on here," said Nate pointing to the yearbooks. "oh, I suppose you don't know, Doris used to teach over in east London at a school for literature,". "after that she just began to work part-time for a library in Newport where she worked for over 30 years, but you guys must already know that," said Jane. "Ummm nope never crossed our minds right carl?" said Abigail. "yea," he said. As jane went on about Doris's past carl began to wonder could there be a connection between Doris and the killer and if so, what could it possibly be? He picked up a yearbook while the ladies were chatting away and flicked the pages.

Suddenly he stopped and saw a yearbook photo of the whole class. It looks like Doris taught at least 25 students per class. But there was a student that caught his attention most of all. It looks like someone he knows, but the name is scratched off the page like it was done on purpose. The student's picture matched the one on the full year photo. He was standing in the third row next to the teacher and under bold letters read DORIS PILSBURY LITERATURE TEACHER.

This young boy had short blonde hair, fair skin with freckles covering his cheeks and an enormous goofy grin. He wore the standard colours of st princes' boy's literature school uniform dark green blazer and grey trousers with sharp black casual shoes.

He immediately changed yearbooks and flicked through to find evidence of this young boy, but he was in no other yearbook except the first one. Doris continued to appear thought-out the yearbooks except the last one. That's strange, he thought. Why would she have the previous yearbook if she's not even in it?

Carl returned to the photo of Doris. She wore a long black dress that covered her whole frame up to her leather boots. She had long faded blonde hair with streaks of white and grey, blue eyes and large rounded spectacles. Something struck carl, the boy and Doris both had blonde hair could this be a connection or is he just going a little too far-fetched. While they were busy carl took and few shots with his phone and slid it quickly in his pocket. Abigail and jane wrapped up their conversation, and both stared at carl. Nate looked up at the pair and said, "we are just gonna leave now and just make sure to keep Doris's things safe we might need to see them later on". "what's this all about though, detective," said Jane. "we are investigating a case and thought that it might have a connection but looks like we were wrong," said Carl. Jane frowned and smiled. "ok folks, y'all have a good day now," replied Jane.

Abigail and carl were escorted back to the entrance to the library and waved Jane a due. "looks like you had evidence Nate, what's this all about? Asked Abigail once they were outside. "actually, my fiery haired friend I have a huge lead that might bust this case wide open" he said. "well sharing is caring," exclaimed Abigail. Carl pulled out his phone and explained the whole ordeal to Abigail.

The fact that a young boy with no name could be the source to find out what happened to Doris during the final year and might have a connection to her death which in turn could lead us to the boulevard murderer.

As he explained, all this Abigail grew further intrigued. They drove down to the precinct and headed over to the information's headquarters. They strolled over to the desk. A dark-skinned fellow was standing behind the counter, he wore the police uniform very tightly and had dark brown hair with white fades across the top. "morning jimmy," said Carl. Jimmy looked up from his newspaper, and his muscular build crept up from his chair.

"How can I help you guys?" said jimmy. Carl pulled out the yearbook from the sleeve and said, "I want everything to do about the murder of Doris Pillsbury,". Jimmy checked the database and pulled up the correct article for the death of Doris. It was read as unsolved.

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