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Carl and Abigail arrived 20 minutes later. Laying on the ground was the body of Sally Moonstone. Shocked in horror, they immediately knew that the murderer was on their trail and was watching their every move. "How is this possible? Exclaimed Abigail. "I don't know, but this bastard is trying to scare us off by killing everyone we interrogate," said Nate. Carl remembered the note the boulevard murderer left at the scene at the doughnut shop. Could the murderer be referring to sally in the letter and not Abigail? He thought.

"Five knife wounds to the abdomen," said Coroner John thoughtfully.

Carl and Abigail helped carry the body to the van, transported to the morgue. They hopped into the car and drove back to the precinct. On their way, a figure stopped in the middle of the road. He pulled an 8-inch knife from what seemed like his pocket and ran towards the patrol car. Nate and Abigail locked the doors and reversed to avoid the killer. Nate!! QUICK!! PULL OUT YOUR GUN" Shouted Abigail. Nate drew his pistol from the holster and pointed it out the window at the killer a few shots were fired, and the figure disappeared into thin air.

Carl then stopped the patrol car and hopped out. "What are you doing, nutcase? Asked Abigail "The killer might be out there still. Carl stepped onto the grass and walked up to the edge of the road where he last saw the killer. Holding his gun firmly he moved further along the street until reaching a dead end. "Rats, he thought. Perhaps this killer Is a vengeful ghost or something. He then remembered how Jordan and the graves keeper was shot. How can these murders be related he thought two males shot and all the females were stabbed? Could there be more than one killer?...

He returned to the patrol car. Abigail was fidgeting with her seatbelt. "what's with you gingy" said Carl. "Your too reckless idiot," she stated, blushing a bright red. They drove back to the precinct. Unbeknownst to them, a figure was standing behind the building in an alleyway. Creeping through the alley, he slid through a back entrance and disappeared. Carl and Abigail walked back towards their desk and placed their guns on the table. "god damn said, Nate. "That guy is a slippery bastard how could he be able to slip out of view and disappear I had a clear shot of him. Abigail remained silent. Perhaps it was her love for Nate that grew with each mission, that she felt a need to protect him. Sometimes from himself. She would often hide her true feelings scared of losing the partner she had known for years.

Meanwhile, Jordan Beige was still in a coma. Not a single detective in Newport remembered that Jordan was the only one who had seen this murderer and lived. Therefore, Jordan was the key to solving the case of the boulevard murderer. Carl climbed up the stairs in the direction of the hospital wing in the building. The hospital wing was the furthest area of the building quickly succumbing to mold and other foul-smelling odors coming from the ventilators. He quickly made his way to the room in which Jordan was being treated and slid into the place unnoticed. He looked over at Jordan laying there and knew he couldn't let the same thing happen to Abigail. He changed the flowers that were sitting in the windowsill and turned on the tv in the hospital room. News flashed covered the screens in bold letters it read; TWO FOUND DEAD IN NEWPORT CENTRAL PARK... carl rose from the chair next to Jordan and dashed out the door coat in one hand and his gun in the other.

He ran through the carpark and hopped in the patrol car. In seconds carl arrived at the scene. Shocked in horror, he saw two women, knife wounds across the neck, and bleeding profusely. He made his way over the tape to speak with coroner john. "what happened here, John? Asked Carl. John arose from the bodies and turned to face carl. "my lad these are the latest victims of the boulevard murderer he replied clutching at his throat. Carl turned in horror and thought to himself, this guy getting serious now. Two murders in broad daylight and not to mention he's picking up on his gruesome game. He dashed back to the car and drove to Abigail's house. He stepped out and walked up to her front door.

He rang the bell, no answer. She must be out, he thought. He rang again. No answer. He looked through the window and saw two broken glasses on the floor. He immediately smashed the window with his gun and climbed through. He saw a trail of blood and glass leading to the garden outback. He walked silently through the creaky floorboards and reached the back door. He opened it slowly and saw the trails end.

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