"He was ugly anyways. Don't be too sad about it," said Asumi.

I groaned and let myself fall down on the beige leather couch. It cracked a little as I landed, although that was to be expected. It was old and tattered, and apparently hadn't been treated very well by its last owners.

Asumi couldn't afford better. Neither could I, of course. I was broke as fuck, with some savings in the bank, and the cost of my college tuition was to blame.

"I'm not sad. Just pissed that he didn't have the decency to tell me face-to-face. I mean, who breaks up with their partner of a year and a half by text?"

"I don't know," Asumi held my phone in her hand, looking at my latest text message from him. "He didn't even bother to use proper grammar. What a lazy motherfucker."

I remembered exactly what he told me, down to the character. I even memorized his spelling mistakes.

Yo y/n. Brk up wth u. Goin 4 Misa. She wsnt stuck up anyways. Ttyl

"He didn't even put in the effort," I lamented, feeling pretty sorry for myself. "I can't believe I wasted a year and a half of my life on someone who can't even properly write the word going."

"I know the feeling," Asumi responded. "Don't feel too bad about it. If anything, feel bad for Misa. She has to deal with his ugly ass."

"She was a bitch anyways," I thought about the situation for a while, feeling sorry for the girl. How would I want her to act if she was in my place? "Then again, no one deserves to be paired with someone like him. Maybe we should tell her."

Asumi and I locked eyes for a second, before we both bursted into laughter.

"Are you crazy?" she cackled, doubling over and joining me on the couch.

"Nah. Misa can suck his two inch dick all she wants. I'm done with him."

We giggled a bit together some more. Once the atmosphere calmed down, Asumi wrapped an arm around me. "You're doing good."


"Aw, come on. I've known you for ages now. You're probably feeling a bit more down then you're letting on."

A quiet sigh escaped my mouth. "Nothing gets past you, huh?"

"Nothing," she said, squeezing me a little tighter. "You'll be fine. You just need a pick-me-up."

"Are you offering to buy me dinner?"

Asumi chuckled lightheartedly. "No, that's not quite what I had on mind. Although I don't mind playing the check tonight."

"So what did you have in mind?"

"Wait," Asumi stood up, moving piles of books and boxes to find herself a Post-it. She held up a little stack of baby blue paper with a smile. "Aha!"

She made her way to the table, grabbing a blue pen and scribbling something down. I turned on the couch, resting on the back of it.

"What are you doing?"

"You'll see," she smirked, finishing off whatever she was doing. Once she had, the black haired girl tore off the first sheet, holding it up by the sticky part.

She jumped over the back of the couch, next to me and flashed her piece of paper. "This," she motioned for me to take it. "Will save your sorry, sorry life."

With an eyebrow raised, I reached over to grab the blue paper, who's sticky part was already losing glue. Written on it in Asumi's large handwriting was a number as well as a little message.

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