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calum's pov

unknown number: hey
calum: hi who is this?
unknown number: charlotte
calum: so i see you found my little gift
charlotte💙: was it supposed to be a gift or torture device
calum: i'm hurt. most people enjoy my presence even if it is at first stalker like

i smiled as i pressed send on that text, remembering her accusing me of being a stalker before she left that night.

charlotte💙: at first or all the time? anyways let's play 20 questions. you go first.
calum: fine so first question. what are you wearing right now?
charlotte💙: perverted much? anyways what every other girl wears, white converse, jeans, flannel
calum: pic?
charlotte💙: fine hold on
charlotte💙: 1 image

i opened up the image and much to my disappointment, it was only her feet.

calum: not fair
charlotte💙:it's a picture isn't it? anyways my turn. song currently on replay?
calum: well i'm gonna make this a long answer cause i am a music fanatic. so to start off, favorite bands are all time low fall out boys, green day, 1975, etc. pretty much all of there albums are on replay. but currently my absolute favorite song is for baltimore acoustic version by all time low.
charlotte: i was expecting a two word answer not an oration
calum: what about you? you into music
charlotte💙: absolutely but i'm more in to indie artists like daughter in fact go listen to youth by daughter right now. your life will be changed for the better(hopefully)
calum: okay i'm looking it up right now though i was expecting an one word answer not an address
charlotte💙: do music fanatics ever communicate in one word? now listen to pure perfection coming out of the speakers on your computer
calum: okay okay
calum: charlotte...
charlotte💙: yes calum
calum: we have a problem. you have created a new obsession for me
charlotte💙: victory is mine!

Hey guys! Thanks for reading. This was just a little fun chapter to get some background on the two main characters. I promise the chapters will get longer. Please vote and comment.

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