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After about half-past eight at night, I go back to the room I've left Yuuji and Y/N. I skip in, expecting to see them sitting there and watching the movie, but instead find them fast asleep. Y/N's got her head resting on Yuuji's shoulder who, in turn, has his head resting on the back of the couch with his mouth hanging wide open.

I smile as I watch the two of them. I make sure to be as quiet as I can, not letting my laugh come out too loudly, as I take out my phone. I quickly snap a photo of the two of them.

"That's a good one," I nod as I look at it.

I find myself examining it a bit closer for a moment before looking over at the two of them. I don't know how I haven't noticed it before, but Y/N's gotten way more beat up than any of my students. Just looking between her and Yuuji, Y/N's skin is way more cut up and bruised.

Before I get too much time to think about it, I hear the sigh of my tired friend. I look up and see Kento shaking his head.

"It was not a smart idea for you to leave those two alone together," he shakes his head. "Didn't you call them 'the most problematic' of your students or something like that?"

"Ah, nothing bad happened so it's fine," I tell him. "Besides, it's part of the training."

I then kneel between the two of them and remove the cursed corpses from their hands to toss them across the room. I then softly lift Y/N's jaw to remove her head from Yuuji's shoulder.

Kento then turns off the television, his eyes trained on me as I stand up, and shakes his head.

"You don't treat her the same as Itadori, it's obvious," he remarks.

"Why would I? Y/N isn't a child."

"Really?" he scoffs, "because you sure treat her like one."

"Then aren't you contradicting yourself? Besides, I only treat her like that sometimes because she hardly knows anything about sorcery and whatnot."

"That is not at all what I meant," he shakes his head. "It's not fair to Y/N to just throw her in with your students and treat her as one when you have yet to tell her the reality of her situation."

I look down at Y/N, knowing exactly what he means. And as much as I'd rather not admit it, he probably isn't completely wrong like he usually is.

"It's better if she doesn't know," I reply blankly.

"That sounds like more of an emotional choice than a logical one," he shakes his head.

"Idiot, if you're implying that I have some kind of feel..."

I cut my sentence short as Y/N's head flops back down onto Yuuji's shoulder, her cheek squished against him. I can't help but frown. I went to all that work for nothing after all.

"It's time to wake them up," Kento tells me.

"Good idea," I nod, hoping to rid myself of the prior conversation.

I begin by waking up Yuuji by shaking his free shoulder and coaxing him awake by telling him that he's done with his training. He smiles brightly as his eyes shoot open, and then looks over at Y/N sleeping.

"Y/N!" he shakes her gently.

"Hmm," Y/N groans as she turns her head so her forehead is now on his shoulder.

"We finished," Yuuji tells her. "We can go now."

"I don't want to get up," she says through a yawn.

"Y/N," I sigh as I watch her remain partially asleep. "Don't be so difficult."

Suddenly, I see her eyebrows move almost as though she's angry with my presence. Despite this, I can't help but find it a bit funny how mad she gets and her pretty face scrunching up doesn't help my case.

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