𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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A/N: Please be aware of the DARK THEMES, ABUSE, and DEATH associated with this chapter. *Gendo is truly a sick person*



"I'm pregnant," she says with tears streaming down her cheeks. My first thought is to laugh, I wondered if it even was mind with that little whore body of hers, but I soon acknowledge that it is. She's too stupid to be able to pull off a stunt like that anyhow.

"That's great, honey!" I hum, wrapping my arms around her, but she quickly pulls back and searches for something in my eyes.

"Gendo are you really okay with staying in Gifu? I know you were only here because of work and I don't want to force you into staying somewhere you don't want to be," she sniffs.

"Yes," I chuckle, "of course. It's like I've been here all my life." And in reality, I have been. She still doesn't know it, but I've been in Gifu for years before meeting her.

"Thank you," she sighs as she throws herself onto me again, "Gifu just feels so special to me... I know I don't have any relatives here but it just feels like it's where I'm meant to be."

I bet it does; her bloodline traces back for generations in Gifu.

Chiyo takes a seat on the sofa, a worried expression now seeping over her face. "I just can't help but feel like something is wrong," she admits.

I take a seat beside her and rub her arm, comforting her. "Nothing is wrong," I assure her, "I'm okay with having a baby and I'm happy. I wish you were, as well."

She shakes her head, dismissing what I've said, that ungrateful bitch. "It's not you... it's more like a feeling that I don't know how to describe."

"Is it about the baby?" I sigh, already having the answer.

In an instant Chiyo's eyes meet mind. "How did you know?"

"I'm a goddamn doctor, you idiot," I growl as I stand up and loom over her.

Without warning, I then tug her by her hair and drag her down the hallway of our house. She begins screaming at the top of her lungs, begging me to stop, but I don't until we reach my office. I throw her down onto the floor in the room and quickly lock the door behind me to make sure she can't make a break for it.

It's now or never. I need to decide which one of them will be of more use to me: the woman or the child.

"Gendo, what the hell are you doing?!" she shouts.

"Stay still," I growl as I look through my medicine cabinets.

Eventually, I find what I'm looking for, my needle with the serum I've made to active the curse side of her through various blood samples I've collected... in her sleep, etc.

I pin the woman down on the floor with my body, keeping her still before sticking her arm with the sharp needle. She continues to yell out and scream, cursing at me until I pull the needle out. At that point, she suddenly quiets. I get off of her and stand, curiously waiting to see see what she'll do next.

The woman looks up at me with bloody eyes. I watch as blood then begins pouring out from all parts of her skin, down her face, arms, and legs. I'm admittedly disgusted at the sight, yet still intrigued. Soon, her blood pools around her into organized rings and markings on her body... not so unlike Sukuna's markings himself.

"Gendou!" the woman shrieks, the blood emitting from her body and hanging in the air despite gravity's wishes. The blood then sharpens into spikes and begins to fly through the air at me. Luckily, I'm able to block her attacks to my face using a surgical tray I grab nearby.

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