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"To clarify, I'm just looking for a fair fight," you say to the monster of a man who stands before you, hoping not to shit yourself as the words fall from your mouth.

"Alright, Y/N, I'm in. If I haven't introduced myself to you before, my name is Todo Aoi."

You nod, accepting his introduction and knowing that you hardly need to give him one in response.

"Now, in order to have this fair fight with you, I need to know something."

A bit confused, you ask him, "What is it?"

You can't imagine what he'd need to know right now. He could always just ask you afterward anyway. Maybe he wants to make sure you can control your curse?

"What kind of person is your type?!"


You look at Todo, somehow even more confused after hearing his question. You look around the group, wondering if you had actually heard him correctly as he waits for your answer. However, the others are little help. It seems as though they're also invested in your answer for some reason.

"I-I don't know?!" you exclaim, feeling a bit put on the spot. "Maybe if you pick the biggest asshole in the room with white hair and a blindfold, I'd probably get sucked into whatever bullshit they tell me."

Todo laughs, excitedly sticking his thumb out to you. "Big is the way to go," he beams. "I'm so glad that we're friends!"

"What?! I thought we were going to spar?!"

"We are," he nods seriously, "but I was deciding whether or not I wanted to kill you."

"My answer wouldn't have mattered," you scoff. "You wouldn't be able to get that close."

Todo's smile only widens as he takes a fighting stance. You watch his soulless eyes as he holds back one arm and prepares to attack. You do the same, blocking your face with your hands as you ready yourself for him to attack.

However, it's Todo's other arm that he attacks you with, sending you flying back into the grass on your ass. You groan as you sit up, watching Todo walk towards you.

As you press your hands into the grass below, you feel heat rising down your arms. Looking down, you watch as the now familiar red cursed energy flows into the grown beneath your hands.

Gently, you lift your hands from the ground, shocked as you see what you've created below. A small, winged creature emerges from the grass.

"What the hell is that?!" you hear someone ask.

"She just made a curse out of her own energy..."

"Is that her technique?"

You can't help but wonder if they're right. Could your technique be to create curses?

"Attack," you whisper to the being of your creation.

With zero hesitation, the curse runs and jumps onto Todo's face. You watch in awe as it begins scratching his face, sinking its claws into the side of his face. However, Todo quickly smacks it away, causing the curse to disappear in thin air.

"You've got a seriously cute technique there, Y/N," Todo chuckles.

You groan at his teasing as you stand up, not ready to back down from this fight. But as you do, Todo disappears from sight. You look around for him, but by the time you're able to find him, it's too late.

Todo grabs you from behind, swiftly wrapping his arms around your stomach before tossing you over his head like it was nothing. You end up landing flat on your back, struggling to breathe for a moment.

This time as you sit up, you purposefully place both of your hands together on the ground. Focusing the majority of your energy through your arms, you lift them to reveal a creature that grows significantly taller and wider than the previous; looking almost human-like.

Your curse charges at Todo, already knowing what to do before you even ask. The curse easily kicks Todo, sending him back yet not knocking him down.

Seeing your own opportunity to strike, you charge at Todo while focusing your energy on your legs. Following with what your curse had previously done, you kick Todo in the side, forcing him to lose his balance. He swiftly gets pushed to the side, but still does not go down.

Damn it, he's so strong.

Just then, your attention is stolen by the black-haired man you saw with Miwa yesterday walk towards the two of you.

"Stop," he says blankly. "Todo, you're done."

"No, I'm not," Todo replies, his eyes still soulless as he stares you down still ready to fight.

"Neither am I," you add, refusing to back down.

"Todo, we didn't know of Y/N's technique. It's better to stop now before something bad happens."

Todo growls but stands up properly as his scary, shit-eating grin fades from view. "Damn it, Kamo. She's not going to kill me, we're friends!"

"I don't care if you're friends, we don't know what her technique is capable of!" Kamo shouts back.

As the two boys fight, you look towards the girls. Seeing their jaws to the ground, you can't help but smile proudly. At least you fulfilled their expectations.

You then look up the hill towards where you had been sitting with the principal. There, Gakuganji still stands, looking very pleased with himself. He then stands up and turns to walk away. You watch, confused, as he takes the cuffs along with him.

"Y/N!" Todo's loud voice calls to you, causing you to turn to him. "You did very well! If you don't mind me asking, what grade are you?"

"You mean me or my curse?" you ask, holding back the distaste as you think he wishes to only know the latter.

"Well I meant you, but both I guess," he replies.

"I'm grade four," you admit, "but apparently my curse is special grade."

The group stands speechless as they look back at you.

"No way!" Todo beams, "You're badass, Y/N!"

"No way!" Todo beams, "You're badass, Y/N!"

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