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"I wonder what time it is," you ask yourself as you emptily wander across your little basement room after waking up from a nap. "Is it morning yet?"

You look through the small window in your door, checking for a real window on the outside. But you end up walking away without an answer to your question, realizing that you are in a basement after all.

Just then, you hear a door creak open from far away, accompanied by approaching footsteps. You once again peer through the door's window and see a woman with dark hair approaching you.

As she draws near, you step away from the door. Your heartbeat quickens; it's not your fault seeing as it seems nobody cares for you in Kyoto.

The woman walks in, a sympathetic look on her face as she steps towards you. You take a step back, taking in the concerning large scar under her right eye that extends across her nose.

"Good morning, Y/N. My name is Iori Utahime. I am the student supervisor at Kyoto Jujustu High."

"Morning," you say plainly, a bit skeptical even though she seems normal.

You look down at what Iori is carrying and see a tray of food. Your stomach rumbles at just the thought of food.

"Is that for me?" you ask hopefully.

"It is," she replies politely. "May I set it down for you?"

You nod and step aside as she walks past to set down the tray on your table. You walk over cautiously until the smell of food overwhelms your senses. Immediately after you sit, you can't help but stuff your mouth with the meal.

"So..." you ask between bites, noticing that Iori's almost hovering over you as you eat, "Is there something that I'm supposed to be doing while I'm here?"

"Principal Gakuganji plans to display your abilities to his colleagues, but before that, he needs to monitor you."

"Display my abilities?" you repeat, almost choking on your food. "What, like show and tell?"

"I'm sure he will go over all of that with you as the two of you go out this afternoon," she continues to tell you while remaining seeming impartial on either side.

You can't help but chuckle at her phrasing. "He's taking me on a date?"

Iori narrows her eyes. "You shouldn't joke like that. You must have been spending too much time with that idiot, Gojo."

You roll your eyes as you take another bite of your food.

At least Gojo would get the joke. It's a good thing he's not here, though, or he'd probably tease me about it and make some kind of pervy comment.

When you're done eating, you lean back and look up at Iori who's still watching you closely.

"Is there somewhere I can shower?" you ask bluntly.

"Eh?" she says with surprise in her tone. You watch as she looks around for a moment before turning back to you and bowing. "I must apologize, Y/N. I suppose that was overlooked upon your arrival."

"Kyoto's got a great welcoming committee," you scoff.

Iori looks at you darkly again. She obviously doesn't care for your sense of humor and sarcasm.

Instead of responding to your comment, she pulls out a pair of cuffs and walks towards you.

"Put these on. I'll bring you to the dorm bathroom."

So I can shower there but not sleep there?!

"Okay," you grumble as you extend your arms to her. "Thank you."

Iori then guides you to the bathroom where she uncuffs you and steps outside to give you a bit of space. After washing up, you meet her outside the bathroom wearing the same Tokyo school uniform as you had from the day prior.

"Ready?" she asks after taking in your cleaner appearance.

"Yep," you reply, sticking your arms out for her to cuff them.

"No, it's alright," she shakes her head. "I'm bringing you to the principal now so you don't need them."

I'll kick that old man's ass, he's so damn cocky.

Iori guides you to the front of the school where you meet with the same old man you'd met when you arrived at the school.

"She's ready to go," Iori bows as she hands Gakuganji your cuffs and its corresponding key.

You scoff, thinking you could have said that for yourself. Yet instead, everyone here seems to talk for you.

Iori shoots you a look as if to tell you to watch yourself. Gakuganji ignores it, but thanks her before excusing her from the group.

"Come along," he says before turning his back to you.

Now's my chance, I could just knock him in the back of his head...

"Walk next to me. I can't see you back there," his voice calls out again with greater authority now.

"Right," you squeak, running up to his side.

Gakuganji leads you to the back of the school where you find a group of students training together, not unlike your time in Tokyo. The two of you sit together on a bench at the top of a hill overlooking the students.

"So, Y/N," he says as though it takes every fragile bone in his body to say your name without puking, "what do you think of Kyoto?"

You scoff, not caring whether or not your behavior was polite or not. "All I've seen of it is the darkness of a goddamn dungeon."

Right as you stop speaking, a dark aura emits from the principal, sending chills straight down your spine.

"You shouldn't speak that way to someone who's giving you a place to say," he says coldly.

"My apologies," you grin through your teeth.

"Tell me about your fighting skill," he moves on quickly from the conversation.

Why? Does he want a beating? I'll gladly give him one, you think to yourself as you ball your hand into a fist.

"I'm good," you state plainly, not wanting to show weakness. "I had been working a lot with Gojo before I came here."

Gakuganji nods, obviously expecting that answer. He then lifts his cane and points down to the students at the bottom of the hill. You follow his direction, your eyes landing on the largest man of the group who stands at about 2 meters tall, not to mention his huge, athletic build.

"I'd like to see your skills for myself. Ask Todo to spar with you."


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