𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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After your little encounter with Gojo in his office, he walks you back across campus to bring you to your dorm. His hands are in his pockets, glasses back on, as though nothing out of the ordinary just happened. He looks totally put together. You, on the other hand, look like you just got run over by a truck.

When you get to the dorm building, Gojo stops. You turn to him as you try to think of something to say.

"Y/N," he interrupts your thought process, "I'm sorry for treating you like another one of my students this whole time. Or, like you so gracefully put it, a 'weapon'. You really are more than that and you need to get stronger for your own personal reasons."

"It's okay," you smile. "I think you've been doing a fine job so far."

"Of course," he smirks, "because there's not a better teacher you could have."

Sukuna's voice then rings through your mind. "You're better off without him. In the long run, only I can help you..."

"But," Gojo then adds, "you're probably stronger than you think you are, so keep working at it, and you'll be set. That being said, I'll still group you with my first years sometimes. I think the skills you're leaving will be helpful to teach them... and you can benefit from being with them as well."

"That's almost too nice," you chuckle, "what's the catch?"

"No catch," he smiles. "Just be ready for this afternoon, okay?"

"This afternoon?"

Gojo nods. "Yes. I'll have you with the first years again after you rest a bit more. See you then."

"Okay. Goodnight," you reply as you turn to open the door to the dorm.

"Ah, one more thing," he catches your attention again. You take your hand off the knob and turn to face him. "You should be quiet walking in or you might wake up Nobara again."

You smile, knowing that he's teasing, even though you're now a bit nervous of being caught.

"Night," he winks before turning to leave.

You watch as Gojo walks away, hands still in his pockets as he moves across the campus. He looks so calm and professional.

He probably has more of an effect on me than I have on him... I can't believe I went from wanting to kill him to-

Your thoughts freeze up as the door opens from behind you. Your head whips around where you come face to face with an exhausted-looking Megumi.

"What were you saying out here?" he asks lazily.

"Nothing," you say through a tense smile. "Uh, why are you still up?"

Megumi rubs his eyes before looking around. "I heard Gojo's voice."

"It's just me here," you chuckle, "but is there something that I can help you with instead?"

Megumi's eyes snap back to you. He looks quite shocked by your offer but shakes his head. "No, I'm okay. How are you feeling after going to Kyoto."

"I'm fine," you shrug. "Let's go inside."

He nods and moves aside to let you in. Once the door is shut, the two of you walk down the hallway towards Megumi's room.

"Goodnight," he says in a voice just barely above a whisper as he opens his door.

"Goodnight, Megumi," you reply before sneaking away to your room quietly.

That afternoon you walk towards the training field where Gojo yelled through the halls that the four of you would be meeting him as soon as possible

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That afternoon you walk towards the training field where Gojo yelled through the halls that the four of you would be meeting him as soon as possible.

You yawn as you walk out of your room, still tired from the events of last night. Thankfully, you didn't wake up as sore as you thought you would.

"Y/N!" you hear your name called from behind you. As you turn around, you see Kugisaki waving and smiling as she runs up to you. "How'd it go last night with Gojo? Did you confess?"

"To be honest, I'm not really sure," you shake your head.

"I"m confused," she says bluntly. "What does that mean? How do you not know if you confessed to him?"

You stop and look at her seriously. "If I tell you what happened, I don't want you blabbing to the others!"

Kugisaki holds out her pinky, making you question why you're looking to a sixteen-year-old to confide in. Either way, you complete her pinky promise.

"I told him that I had feelings for him," you sigh, "and then he kissed me."

Kugisaki's jaw drops. No words escape from her mouth as she starts to put two-and-two together. "So... what happened then?"

"You'll figure that out when you're older," you admit before turning to continue on your walk.

"Wait, wait, wait!" she gasps and runs in front of you. She spreads out her arms and looks at you seriously. "There's no way you slept with Sensei!"

"Kugisaki... you promised not to say anything..."

"And I won't!" she beams, "but I'm so happy for you!" She then throws her arms around you and happily embraces you. You hug her back until she suddenly pulls away.

"How was it?!"

"Kugisaki!... It was really good. For me at least," you admit a bit deflatedly.

She shakes her head in disagreement. "He so likes you! I'll even prove it to you today."

"Okay," you play along. "As long as you don't tell anyone, I don't care."

Just then, you hear Yuuji and Megumi shouting back and forth. You look over at the training field where you're meant to meet Gojo and find the two boys.

"Let's go," Kugisaki says before running ahead.

You quickly follow after her. As you draw near the boys, you see Yuuji holding a white piece of paper.

"What you got there, Itadori?" Kugisaki asks as she looks over his shoulder.

"It's a letter from Gojo," he replies.

Megumi groans. "It's a poorly written description of the map on the back."

"A map?" you quirk a brow. "What's it for?"

Megumi shakes his head almost in disapproval of his sensei. "We have to find him."

"Here," Yuuji says to you as he passes you the map.

Kugisaki points to the "X" on the other side of a forest made up of a bunch of stick-figure type lines.

"X marks the spot and there waits Gojo."


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