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disclaimer ! this is a book two in my series. i recommend you read book one first- the words i wish i wrote // kate schmidt but never lose you CAN be read as a stand-alone. i don't take any responsibility for any confusion or such. i hope you like it and happy reading! <3


Rue often woke up at odd hours. She didn't try to, and it wasn't something her body just did.

Her wife- well, it wasn't a legal marriage, but they made do- would wake up gasping in the middle of the night due to horrible nightmares.

She would refuse to tell Rue what happened, simply insisting on holding her and going back to sleep. And it didn't matter how much Rue pushed it out of her mind- she still wanted to know what they were about.

She had a few theories.

Number One- They had nothing to do with Camp Nightwing, and were just regular nightmares. Like getting chased by a clown or getting pantsed in school on the day you were wearing your granny panties.

Number Two- They has something to do with Camp Nightwing.

Number Three- They were about losing Rue. This one was most likely, based on Ziggy's insistence of holding her whenever she woke up from one. Rue knew the promises they had made to each other, and she knew that Ziggy was terrified of not keeping them.

Regardless what they were, Rue really just wanted to help. So when her wife started gasping for air at exactly 2:43 AM, Rue shot up int bed, turning around to face her. Ziggy was also sitting up as well, one hand to her chest.

"Are you alright?" Rue asked, like she does every night. This is her routine, her performance for the day. She plays her part to perfection, and then repeats it over and over.

"I'm fine," Ziggy takes a deep breath, looking over at her. "I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to wake you."

Rue smiled lightly. Ziggy always apologized, always felt so bad for waking her up.

"It's fine," Rue reassured, and brought her wife into a hug. She could feel Ziggy relax against her, the walls she built up slip for a moment.

Rue then made the number one mistake when comforting Ziggy after a nightmare. She yawned. Ziggy tenses again. The walls built back up. And there was nothing Rue could do.

"Let's go back to sleep," Ziggy said, pushing Rue down to lay on her side.

"No-" Rue started, knowing Ziggy wouldn't be able to sleep all night. Ziggy shushed her with a finger to her lips.

"Go to bed," She said, and Rue couldn't help but give in.


Rue and Ziggy had routines. And alarm clocks. Ziggy had a small obsession with alarm clocks. She set one for everything, from when they ate to when they went shopping. Rue found it annoying at first, but she came to enjoy the monotonous life it was.

It wasn't really all that boring.

Even though their day was scheduled with no room for error, they managed to find conversation about anything and everything. Rue remembered the time they once debated over whether raspberries were good or not. Rue ended up winning, because raspberries are clearly superior.

The phone had rang when they were asleep, Ziggy told Rue. She called them back a few hours ago, while Rue was taking Major out in the yard. No one ever really called them- so it was kinda nice to have to call someone back.

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