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Cindy was the first to react, hitting Tommy, who's face was now wrapped in a burlap sack, in the head with her shovel. He stumbled, and Cindy took the opportunity to pin him back on the wall bye his neck, the blade of the shovel digging into his flesh.

"Fucking die!" She screamed, the pain of losing Alice evident in her voice. "Why won't you fucking die?!" She dug the shovel in farther, separating his head from his body. Much like what he had done to Gary. Much like he had done to Rue's hand.

It was fitting, Rue supposed.

His body and head fell to the floor, separated. Cindy put the shovel at her side and took a few breaths, before looking over to Alice's unmoving body. She ran over to her, dropping to her knees and holding her. Ziggy fell to her knees, and Rue fell with her.

So much death, so much suffering, and all they had to show for it was some concussions and cut off hands. And of course, dead bodies.

"No! Alice? Alice? Alice, just... Just stay with me. Alice." Cindy pleaded with the girl to stay, but she couldn't.

Rue watched as the rapid breaths she was taking stopped, and her body relaxed. Alice was dead.

"No. Alice! Alice!" Cindy sobbed, pulling the dead girls head onto her lap. "Please..."

Ziggy heard it first, the singing.

"What is that?" She asked, and it took Rue a few seconds to even realized she had moved from her spot, her eyes locked on Alice. Cindy looked up as well, and slowly turned towards the door behind them. Rue followed their gazes. Then she heard it.

A girl, singing. Her voice was beautiful, angelic, and although she was to far away for Rue to hear the words, she could tell they were beautiful. They all slowly stood up, and walked towards the open grate. Rue presumed Cindy and Alice had climbed out of it, but now something else was coming. Bones crunched and Rue heard the lyrics. A hand slowly slipped out, cracking. Then another. This one held a switchblade. A girl with slit wrists emerged, and Rue thought of Nurse Lane's daughter. Ruby.

She had the most beautiful voice, and she killed herself that night. Along with 7 of her friends.

"You always hurt, the one you love..."

"Run! Run!" Cindy exclaimed and they all turned and ran. Ziggy grabbed the shovel from next to Tommy and Alice's bodies, then screamed when Tommy came back to life again, grabbing her ankle.

"Ziggy!" Rue exclaimed, grabbing onto her arm. She stomped on Tommy's hand, and he recoiled and let go. She tugged Ziggy away and they followed Cindy and ran. Rue heard the rhythmic tap of the hand bone in Cindy's pocket. A countdown to their deaths.

They ran through the camp, running towards the hanging tree.

As the tree came into view, birds flew out from its branches. Black crows. They sung this beautiful song of death, and the branches they were once on shivered at the sound. Leaves fell to the ground, making the eerily lit place creepier as leaves crunched below Rue's feet like bones.

"There is is!" Cindy exclaimed, "Go, go!"


"Yes! Dig! Dig!" Cindy got on her knees grabbing dirt with her hands. Ziggy dug with the shovel and Rue stood nervously behind them. Ziggy was right, she wasn't much help.

Rue looked up, seeing a figure coming out from the trees.

"Ziggy," She murmured, standing closer to her.

Ziggy looked towards she was looking, seeing the figure walk out of the woods as well. It was a small boy, his clothes soaked in blood and a mask on his face. He held a bat in his hands, thumping it on the ground periodically.

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