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hi everyone! another warning for mentions of sexual assault. my dms are always open! please stay safe and enjoy! <3
also ! because ziggy doesn't have that many scenes and i also need to save a scene for the kiss, the relationship is moving kind of fast, and i do apologize for that. please just bare with me! i am trying to make it as angsty as possible.
also so sorry this chapter is short!!


"...And then, it will go all over her head and she'll scream like a little bitch, and we get our revenge," Ziggy smiled as she poured the red paint into the large bucket.

"Sounds great," Rue yawned, laying back on the bed.

"What's wrong with you?" Ziggy asked, looking over at Rue.

"Just tired," Rue mumbled with her eyes closed. Ziggy laid next to her, and Rue was suddenly wide away again. They both were on their backs, legs dangling over the edge.

"Hey, Rue?" Ziggy asked, still looking at the bare ceiling.

"Yeah?" Rue answered, eyes also on the plain wood.

"What happened with you and Clara?"

"Oh," Rue said, not knowing what else to say.

"I won't judge, or anything." Ziggy answered, quickly.

"Well, we were friends. Best friends." Rue started, hating the words as soon as they came out of her mouth. But she wanted to know Ziggy's reaction. Rue's curiosity was going to get her killed, and she couldn't care less. "She was going to move to Sunnyvale soon. And as her goodbye present- I guess- she wanted to take me to the docks. When we got there..."

Ziggy looked over to her, and Rue looked back.

"She told me she wanted to kiss me."

"Oh." Ziggy said, eyes locking with Rue. "Did you? Kiss her, I mean."

"No. She- She kissed me though. I'm not sure why, I mean... I said no... but maybe she just didn't hear it. It's fine. It's whatever."

"It's not whatever." She grabbed her hand. "Rue... No one can kiss you without your consent. She assaulted you."

"No," Rue muttered, looking away. She hadn't been sexually assaulted. It was just a kiss.

"We don't have to talk about it."

"Yeah." Rue snapped. "We don't have to talk about it because it didn't happen." Rue sat up, facing away from Ziggy. She brought one of her hands up to her lips. It still felt like her lips were on her.

And all of a sudden, she was crying. She needed to get Clara off of her.

"I need to get her off," She murmured, standing up and heading towards a jar of water and a rag. Ziggy followed her, standing a few feet behind her and watching diligently. Rue wet the rag and started furiously scrubbing her lips. Tears blurred her vision. From the pain, from the realization.

"Rue," Ziggy murmured, grabbing onto her arm lightly. "You're gonna hurt yourself."

"She's not off."

"She is." Ziggy grabbed the cloth from her hands, and Rue turned to her. And then they were hugging and Rue was sobbing and all she could think about was how lucky she was to have Ziggy. How lucky she was they clicked so fast, like they were characters in a book, always meant to be, written for each other.

They stayed in each other's arms for what seemed like forever, yet not long enough. Rue finally pulled away, her eyes red and puffy but her tears were dry.

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