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hi loves, i just wanted to let everyone know there is use of a homophobic slur in this chapter. the d-slur to be specific. i just wanted to say that i myself am a lesbian, and also just give a general warning. happy reading! <3


"Nurse Mary went crazy, tried to kill counselor Tommy," A girl beside Rue whispers to her friends.

"No way!" The other girl says back in shock, and the first girl nods back. Rue sits up in surprise, looking over to where the Nurses' building is. Nurse Lane went crazy? Rue hated it- but she wasn't surprised. She did seem very- disturbed, Rue supposed, earlier.

She walked over to main yard, and saw cop cars and an ambulance. She saw Ziggy standing in the middle, arms crossed over her chest.

"Hey," Rue smiled, and Ziggy looked over to her.

"Hey," She said back. "What do you think happened?" Rue shrugged.

"What you said earlier. Someone made fun of her daughter. Or maybe she did just... go crazy."

"She didn't." Ziggy snapped, looking over to her. Rue instinctively took a step back, and Ziggy's eyes widened. "No- That's not what I...
I'm just mad about Cindy not believing me."

"It's okay," Rue smiled, trying to sound sweet and understanding. "I get it." She didn't.

"Hey, witch." Shelia came over and pushed Ziggy's shoulder lightly.

"Hey," Clara leaned in close to whisper this part in Rue's ear. "...dyke." Rue shoved the girl off of her, stepping forward. Ziggy looked confused as to why Clara had whispered whatever she had said, and gave Rue a confused look. She looked away, not meeting the other girl's eyes.

"So sorry," Shelia started again, getting Ziggy's attention. "I know you and Nurse Psycho were close. Guess you can visit her in jail now."

"Fuck off, Shelia." Ziggy retorted, and Shelia took a step closer.

"By the way, you might wanna check your stuff. I think there was an accident in Cabin Five."

"You too, Rue." Clara walked around to smile. "There were a lot of accidents today."

"Yeah." Rue mumbled. "Like the day you were born?" She smirked and stalked off, Ziggy taking off after her to her own Cabin.


Rue was hungry. So, so hungry. But she had to get all the writing off her wall if she wanted to be socially accepted at this camp. She had grabbed a bucket and a rag, standing precariously on the headboard of her bed, trying to reach a BITCH that was painted up particularly high on the wall.

"Rue?" She turned and almost fell off the small piece of wood, but manages to catch herself. "Jesus!" The person exclaimed, and Rue recognized it to be Ziggy as she steadied herself.

"What's up?" Rue asked, turning back to the wall.

"Well, I was wondering if... maybe... you wanted to get some revenge?" Rue almost fell off the post again, causing Ziggy to place her bare hands on Rue's leg. She felt butterflies in her stomach like she felt with Clara.

"Revenge? Like what?" Rue asked, looking down at Ziggy.

"You'll see." She smiled mischievously, taking her hands off of Rue and taking a step towards the door. "You coming?" Rue looked back towards the words on her wall. She shrugged. She already had no social life. What was digging that hole deeper?

"Sure," She turned to step off the wood the way she got down, and she leaned too much and lost her balance. She screamed as she went down, falling not onto the bed, but instead onto the floor.

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