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y'all i'm so sorry this is late i passed out while writing it and then today just as i was about to start and finish writing it I FELL DOWN THE STAIRS. LIKE MY FOOT CANT MOVE AND IT HURTS. but i'm fine so anyways sorry this is late and happy reading my loves <33


The two girls held hands as they walked towards the bathrooms, looking around nervously with heavy breaths.

"Shit," Ziggy murmured when she still saw that the screwdriver was jammed into the lock. She ripped it out, dropping the tool on the ground. Her and Rue both walked in quickly, not knowing what was out there. Rue cringed as she saw all of the bugs on the floor, crawling around.

"Clara?" Rue called, softly. She didn't want to draw attention to them, lest whatever killed Jeremy heard them. Rue took a step forward and Ziggy grabbed her hand, tugging Rue back a bit, closer to her. "Clara, are you still in here? Clara?" They opened the doors one by one, not seeing anyone. She had to be in there.

"You bitch!" Clara screamed, coming behind them and grabbing Rue by the hair.

"Clara!" Ziggy shouted, trying to grab onto Clara's hand and loosen her grip on Rue.

"Clara!" Rue shouted, wanting to explain that the girl could die. Clara slammed Rue's head into the wall, and her vision blurred a little. Ziggy managed to push Clara back against the wall, and Rue had a second to lean against the wood and hold her aching head.

"We're trying to help you!" Ziggy exclaimed, still pinning Clara to the wooden wall. "There's a killer-" She was cut off by Shelia slapping her in the face. Ziggy took a step back before readying herself and punching Cora in the face, knocking her back onto the ground. "Oh shit!"

"Hey," Gary said, coming into the bathrooms. "What's-" He stopped when his gaze landed on Clara slumped against the wall, passed out. "What is going on in here?!"

"Is everyone okay?" Ziggy asked, turning towards him.

"No! Everyone's headed back to the Mess Hall. I just- Where's Nick?" Ziggy looked around, and Rue took a step forward. She had been nursing her aching head the entire time, but felt better now. Her vision had evened out and she didn't feel dizzy anymore.

"Help! Help! We're down here! Help!" Rue heard, muffled. They sounded so close, not like they were outside but, almost- below them.

"Do you hear that?" Gary asked, noticing it as well. Ziggy nodded. Gary looked like he was about to shit his pants, and Rue couldn't help but feel bad for him. Ziggy went past Rue into the stall, looking in the toilet.

"Down here! Please, help us!" Rue came forward too, and the screams became clearer and louder. "Get us out of here!" Ziggy opened the toilet and looked down.

"Cindy?" She asked, looking into the hole.

"Ziggy?" Rue could hear Cindy sigh, at ease knowing she was going to be rescued. "Oh my God!"

"What are you doing down there?" Ziggy shouted, obviously confused as to why her sister was in the toilet.

"It's..." She let out a few pants, out of breath. "It's kind of a long story. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just hold on a second," She stood back up, grabbing the bucket they had dumped over Clara and bringing it down.

"What is going on?" Gary asked, and Rue was just as confused.

"My sisters in the toilet,"

"What?!" Both Rue and Gary exclaimed at the same time.

"Just help me!"

𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 // 𝙯𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙮 𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣Where stories live. Discover now