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TW// alice's speech about SH is in this chapter, so if that triggers you please please please take caution when reading!!


Rue heard the door slam behind them as they left, and didn't dare to look back and see if Tommy was following them.

"Kurt! Will! Anybody!" Ziggy shouted as they ran, and Rue was too terrified to even speak. All she could do was run.

They stopped at the entrance of the camp, and watched in horror as the bus passed below the wooden sign, driving off, without them.

They stood for a second in shock, not having another plan to get out. They saw Tommy coming out from the woods, and Rue fought the urge to scream. Ziggy dragged Rue through the empty camp, towards the mess hall. They weren't sure what they were doing, but they had to get away from Tommy.

They ran into the building, locking the door behind them. As if that would do much, but it felt right in the moment. Maybe give them a few extra seconds, for what, Rue wasn't sure.

Maybe to tell each other how special the other was to them, maybe to kiss and hold each other in a dark corner, praying that they survive. Ziggy had told Rue she would never lose her, but could she keep her promise?

The two looked around the room anxiously, until a plan seemed to form in Ziggy's head and she gasped.

"What?" Rue asked, watching as she ran towards the intercom- and therefore the radio. Carry On My Wayward Son blasted through the radio and into the intercom, all over camp. Inevitably drawing Tommy's attention to them. "What the hell are you doing?!" Rue exclaimed, rushing forward to turn it off. Ziggy grabbed her by the arm, pulling her close.

"You trust me, right?"

"Yes," Rue answered, skeptical.

"I have a plan," She smiled lightly in reassurance. "I won't let anything bad happen to you," She murmured, eyes darting from Rue's lips to her eyes. Rue did the same, staring at her lips and then her oh-so-pretty blue eyes.

Rue planted her hand on Ziggy's face and kissed her, quick and chaste. They didn't have time for an elaborate make-out session, although Rue would love to have one of those. They pulled apart and Rue smiled expectantly.

"Well? I'm not getting my other hand chopped off too. What's your plan?"

"Trust me," Ziggy smiled and dragged her away.


Ziggy and her made dark, noticeable footprints leading to the storage closet. After wiping off their shoes, Ziggy grabbed a knife. Rue went to grab one too, but Ziggy stopped her.

"You should hide somewhere else."

"What? No. I'll help you,"

"You have one hand. You won't be much help."

"But-" Rue said, looking around for an excuse.

"Mhm. That's what I thought." She smirked before her expression turned serious again. "Go in the broom closet off the main room. Quickly. I'll come get you when it's over."

"Ziggy, no," Rue tried again, but Ziggy grabbed her by the shoulders, looking her dead in the eyes.

"Broom closet. Now." She ordered before smiling awkwardly. "Please," She added.


"Rue, you won't be any help. I'll be too worried about you to kill him, and at least this way you're safe. You said you didn't want your other hand sliced off, so go hide, and don't get your hand chopped off," She finished her speech before sighing. "Please."

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