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The crowd cheered and merrily talked to one another. Clinking their glasses against each other and some wrapped their arms around one's shoulders. A few were dancing and singing. The smell of heavy alcohol and fruity drinks is in the air mixing with one another. All in all, the atmosphere reflected the people's mood. Stupidly happy and overall free from stress.

Well, except for (YN) that is.

The male doesn't have many opportunities to go to taverns. Nor does he likes to go to taverns. His parents preferred wine with little to no alcohol mixed in. And unfortunately (in other's perspectives that is), he inherited those tastes. This also means that the painter didn't build up any tolerance to any heavy drinks. (YN) can even bet on his life he can drink on lighter drinks. Hence why he ordered non-alcoholic. This is also good since (YN) doubts that his body can take the alcohol anyway. After working for days on end, (YN) doesn't want beer. The man wants wine. A sweet and fruity wine.

Albeit those kinds of wines are not technically popular in Natlan as they were mostly used for ceremonial purposes. Or how his parents would do it, occasionally. Once a month if they can.[1]

Glancing at his drink, (YN) watched the ice slowly melted in his drink. Diluting it with water and making it less... tasty. Then briefly looking at Kaeya, the male has a big smile on his face and was joyously talking with other people. Mostly from the knights that took breaks from their work. Normally, Kaeya would be amongst those knights taking a break. However, his work is now composed of paperwork, a bit of patrolling and watching over (YN). And with how the painter is neglecting his health, Kaeya pushed the patrolling to his other knights. Then again, it's mostly quiet nowadays. No more hilichurls and no more enemies waiting in the dark to attack.

It's peaceful and quiet. Free.

(YN) looked back at his drink. The male can see now why Mondstadt is one of the most sought out nations to visit. Although monsters roamed the land, the atmosphere of the nation is free. Like how their Archon is the God of Freedom. The Anemo Archon. The very element where you can soar high in the sky. The only element that can either soothe your sleep or slash you in half. At times, (YN) is amazed at how powerful Anemo can truly be. Not to mention, it's air. Just air. And that very air can easily slice your head off. It's not like pyro where you can easily watch it how it burns your surroundings. Or cryo where it would freeze you to death so easily.[2] It's not geo where you can easily summon a structure made out of geo to help you. Not like electro where you can electrocute your enemies.

Anemo is neutral.

(YN) once dreamt to have that vision. To control the wind and fly high. Soar into the sky and feel the air against his skin and touch the rumored fluffy clouds. That's what (YN) wants. Alas, Celestia must've misheard his wishes and gave him a Pyro Vision. The male never foresees that he would get pyro. The very element of his nation. Even now, (YN) will never understand how the Archon would grant him this vision. He can't even use it without jeopardizing his own health. His parents banned his use of it. Saying it is too dangerous for someone to use it. They opted to take it away from him. However, (YN) got some... peculiar side-effects[3] when it was taken.

Listlessness. Just plain listlessness. Something that the male never experienced until he was separated from his vision for a couple of months. Only by giving his Vision back did he revert back to himself. So, his parents told him to not use it. The only time (YN) is allowed to break this rule is when his life is in danger. Then his parents got him a teacher to teach him how to use bows. Swords were too heavy for the male and the claymore too much. Spears were long and great for the male but his body is uncoordinated. Magic, although a very obvious option, would take too much time from the male.

(YN) wants to use his vision, not to study the theories of magic. Magic is too complicated and only studious[4] people can do it.

Feeling a nudge beside him, (YN) glanced at the person beside him. Kaeya wore a concerned look on his face, "You okay?" he asked.


[1] - I did search up if both Indigenous Americans or West Africa did have any indigenous wines. However, it seems contradictory as West Africa tends to make hard liquor like gin or palm wine. As Indigenous Americans make their liquor light, from 8% - 14% alcohol. It's almost more than double the alcohol content in gin where it's between 35%-55%. I also am not sure which culture MHY is going to take inspiration from the most. There are talks about Indigenous America and a little bit of West Africa. The CN community also theorized that it might include a bit of Ancient Roman culture as well. However, seeing from the names of the only character we have (apart from the Pyro Archon), it seems it will be mostly Indigenous America.

[2] - I think we know how strong cryo is. However, I want to take this opportunity to say that Kaeya might possibly be one of the strongest cryo users out there. In lore perspective, of course. As strong as Eula is, we can clearly see how Kaeya has more control over his Cryo Vision than Eula. We can see it in the ice bridge. Kaeya is the first one to create a suitable ice bridge until Ayaka came along. But Kaeya's ice bridge still lasts longer than hers. (There's a youtube vid about but with no Ayaka but in the comments, someone said that her E lasts 6 and an additional 2 with her sprint). This might not interest a lot of people, but I think it's a nice detail. since we can see how strong Cryo users' ice/cryo. Also, I want to mention that Kaeya's vision appeared during his fight with Diluc. So, the man probably trained his cryo's strength first just in case he and Diluc fought again and could extinguish his fire when they do.

[3] - I am not entirely sure how Vision works. On a surface level, yes. I do understand it. However, the specifics, not so much. We have people in Inazuma going insane with their visions taken away. One was okay with his vision taken away. And a person from Liyue whose vision just... didn't work now basically. So I suspect that it's more of a will to achieve one's desire is I believe what a vision is. Like the servant in the Kamisato Family, the person was too stressed about the troubles of having their Vision and meeting the expectations from their peers. So they probably lost their will in trying to lose their Vision. Hence why he wasn't as affected in the Vision Hunt Decree.

[4 ] - Klee is (probably) a child (in human years). With her species unknown, we can't pinpoint how old she actually is. But I can tell that she is a child with how childish she acts and thinks. But I do have an inkling that she's smart. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to believe that since her mother is the former Chief Alchemist of the Knights. And her caretaker is Albedo, the current Chief Alchemist. So, Klee is smarter than most children. Albeit her knowledge is more focused on how to create bombs and how to create a bigger explosion.

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