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Kaeya was now doubting that bringing (YN) here was not a good idea. There aren't many places where you can be merry here in Mondstadt. With only one city and the others are towns separated from the capital, it's not wrong to say that Mondstadt is a small city. As a nation? Not entirely. Mondstadt is almost as big as Liyue. And similar to Liyue also. With only one proper city (or harbor) as a proper city with towns separated from it. However, Liyue's towns (or villages) are much further from the harbor. Whereas Springvale (not including Dawn Winery), is a wee hour of walking.

Scratching his cheek with his finger, "This isn't... your cup of tea, right?" Kaeya said. Glancing away from (YN)'s gaze. Not wanting to face the truth that the male isn't enjoying himself. Well, it's not he like doesn't know it either. It's evident that his companion doesn't like to be here. (YN) barely touched his drink and haven't spoken a word since they sat down.

Hearing (YN) chuckling, Kaeya could feel the heat rushing up to his cheeks and towards the tips of his ears. As flirtatious he may be, Kaeya was never serious with anyone. Sure, one-night stands are a thing. But one-night stands are one-night stands. Nothing more than getting off and satisfy his sexual needs. "Unfortunately, I don't frequent to as many taverns as you do, captain" -- so it's back to that nickname it seems -- "My parents aren't fond of them either so I haven't found the joy in being one either." Right, Kaeya, at times, forget that (YN) is from an established family. Not that like he didn't either. However, Crepus was much more of a guardian than a real parent[1].

There's this fine line between him and Crepus. And Kaeya isn't sure whether Diluc was aware of that or not. But the redhead probably knew also. He and Diluc aren't brothers nor friends nor... people who are close to each other. Not anymore. The two aren't also considered acquaintances also. Their relationship is much more complicated. Something that isn't so easy to explain to others.

"But this is something that I don't mind experiencing for once. Albeit, I am unable to drink as much as you with my health." With that, (YN) downed the drink he has. Calling for another one to a server nearby. This time, adding more alcohol to his drink. "I can't enjoy myself if I don't let myself loose here and there, right captain?" Man, that goddamn smirk. Kaeya doesn't know why or what --- but that damn smirk. His brain is already engraving the image in front of him into his mind. Like a statue being carved by one of the best sculptors. Every single tiny detail. From the tired looked to how sloppy (YN)'s clothes are.

Kaeya can feel his heart thumping against his chest as if it's screaming to be out of its cage. His legs growing weaker  --- he's sitting for crying out loud! How can his legs be getting weaker!? This is absurd! The male in front of him is absurd! From how serious (YN) can get to how idiotically stupid he can be. As more time passes, Kaeya swears he's only falling for the male more and more. And he can't stop. And he doesn't want to stop. If this is the only time where Pyro and Cryo can coexist with one another, then Kaeya hopes to all seven Archons this moment would last longer.


Short. I know. But I like it. This chapter is probably one of the few times that would let me write how deep a character's emotion is.

[1] - I will be following the original (CN) version of Diluc's and Kaeya's relationship which is being them sworn brothers. If you do see them as actual brothers, then please don't waste your energy on saying that. I know how the ENG community is mixed with Kaeya's and Diluc's relationship. However, please note that the mistranslation is a mistranslation. I will be following the original (CN) version to keep it more accurate. There are many things that are hidden by a language barrier and I hate how some people won't agree to certain parts of the lore because it was either mistranslated or poorly translated and won't do any further research. Hence why I do recommend that you would follow people in social media that would do translations from Chinese to English that is properly interpreted or would do additional information regarding the lore of the game. Because there are so many things in the original language that aren't properly translated into ENG.

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