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Waking up in the morning, Kaeya could only groan at how much his head hurts. Moving to his side, Kaeya could feel the room warming up. The sun yelling at him to get up already and the blanket on him only make it worse. Sighing, Kaeya groggily sat up on the bed he's on. Massaging his head with both of his hands. Luckily, the male doesn't feel as if he's throwing up. Perhaps he hasn't drunk as much as he thought he did. Regardless, the cavalry captain is glad. At least, he won't make a mess in the bathroom.

"You're awake?" Hearing a hoarse voice made the male blink in surprise, Kaeya glanced to the side. Standing at the doorway is (YN). His hair was a mess, similar to a bird's nest, and his apparel consisting of just a shirt. In his hands was a tray of food. Even from afar, Kaeya can see a few parts of the food were charred. Probably overcooked. Even then, the smell is still divine. However, that was not what Kaeya was focusing on. Rather, the male was more focused on the fact that (YN) is only wearing a shirt bigger than him. The hems reaching his knees and the tired look on his face, there's only one thing on Kaeya's mind. 

"What happened last night?" The blue-colored hair male doesn't want to assume. Assumptions will only lead to misunderstandings and, possibly, those misunderstandings could destroy his and (YN)'s relationship. And Kaeya doesn't want to risk that. But... (YN) is only wearing a shirt! A simple buttoned shirt! Was Kaeya wearing a buttoned shirt last night? Did he? And with how tired (YN) looks as if the male was training from day till dawn and his voice! How could Kaeya not assume something happened last night!?

(YN) rose a brow when he heard Kaeya's question. Trying to recall if anything did happen last night. But seeing how he's dressed and how his voice is rougher than usual, (YN) could only sigh. "Nothing happened last night, idiot," he said. Walking towards Kaeya and sitting down next to the male after putting the tray of food in front of them. "I only got sick. Nothing much," (YN) added. Grabbing the extra pair of utensils in front of him and handing them to Kaeya.

The taller male chuckled dryly, embarrassed that he jumped to conclusions too fast. Not even seeing that he, himself, was wearing clothes. "Thanks," said Kaeya as he grabbed the utensils. His hands were free from his gloves brushed against (YN)'s. It was soft. A lot softer than Kaeya imagined. With how much the latter paints, the captain thought that (YN)'s hands are more callused. Observing the male's hands, Kaeya only saw a few bumps on one of his hands from how the male holds his brush and pencil.

"Who cooked this?" Kaeya asked, grabbing the plate that (YN) got from the tray.

It took a while for the other to reply, (YN) pursed his lips and even sucked at his teeth. Debating whether he should answer or not. "... I did..." the male said in a low voice. A bit unsettled knowing that his cooking is not as good as Sara's, the waitress from Good Hunter. Or that one lady here in Springvale who challenged the famous chef from Liyue named Xiangling. Or even Kaeya --- the blue-colored hair male is amazing at cooking. (YN) doubted that the congee that Kaeya made was truly made by his own hands. Of course, (YN) didn't say it out loud. He's... ashamed almost.

Having two rich parents means, well, you're rich too. And being rich also means you have servants to do your stuff for you. Cooking, cleaning, folding your clothes, laundry. Heck, (YN) even had servants for helping him dress! The male begged his parents to let him dress so, at least, he knows how to do a few basic things that everyone can do. He doesn't want to be alienated from other people because he's rich.

"It's nice... a bit overcooked but still nice." Hearing that, (YN) froze. This is the first time he was in the kitchen, actually cooking. Most of the time, he either orders from Good Hunter or the people in Springvale offer him food. He never once touched the ingredients his father let him bring. The few times it was touched is when Kaeya cooked him breakfast. Albeit, only the rice was touched and a few spices.

Nodding, "Thanks... it's... I worked hard." (YN) decides to lie. This way, Kaeya won't know that this is the first time he cooked, right? He'll just assumes that (YN) is a bad cook, right!? 

𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐲Where stories live. Discover now