Chapter 2: The Broken Promise

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The Broken Promise

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The Broken Promise

Standing on the elevator ascending to Best Jeanist's Agency was a little pressuring. Katsuki was said to be skipping his hero commissions by the assigned instructor, so many times that he had to make reports to the U.A. School. The reason was quite simple yet questionable. Katsuki had taken time for bodybuilding himself, focusing on his studies, and further improving his skills in photography. There was nothing else major affecting his performance, other than his secret obssession that he was never planning to convey.

Over the past few days of the week, he never showed up in his office. At least the Pro Hero implied that it suddenly began that same week. He became worried for any scenario that was happening in his life, because the most impressively ambitioned student would consider being on time essential in order to become the greatest hero. Best Jeanist acknowledged his drive, but to throw away that prioritized pride was something really concerning.

Once the doors of the elevator opened, Katsuki stepped onto the office. There were a few heroes talking here and there; some he would label them as extras. Additional desks on the sides of the walls, couches, coffee stations; but overall a downright organized area. He followed the path to Best Jeanist's working station.

Previously speaking of the dilemma, Katsuki returned in his hero costume to clarify the absences. He wore a black mask that included a spiky accessory rested on his ear. Resembling a frightened cat's tail, it was mostly orange with the outlines of black as the main coverage. Cement-like accessory also laid on his shoulders along with sustainable grenades he wore on his hands. His outfit pursued the aesthetic of his terrific appearance, including those wide boots.

Finally presenting himself to Best Jeanist's desk, he stood there still.

"I came," blankly, he said to the blond-haired hero. The adult who seemed to be so congested into what he was reading on his computer, turned his head at the voice.

"Ah, so you are here, Bakugo. What happened?" Best Jeanist asked, not veering his sight from the screen as he typed down on the keyboard.

"I've been... um.. taking some other lessons," Katsuki explained dismissively, glancing away at another distraction. The other's hum didn't sound very convincing; he knew that was not a reasonable purpose.

"Whether it's your photography lessons or any kind of sport, I don't care. But you aren't the type to miss your commissions. You know how important this is for you." Bakugo secretly rolled his eyes in annoyance, not liking how he was getting lectured. He hummed in accordance and reassurance that it would not happen again. Best Jeanist rotated with his chair in a small move, handing out a stack of papers.

"Avoid the ones out-of-date. Do what you have to do today. After all, I didn't expect you to come, so I can't attend the commissions with you," he said, going back to the screen. Katsuki took the papers without problems despite the grenades weighting his arm. He skim read everything with a frown. "You can leave already."

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