Driven by the thoughts he had forced himself to believe, Katsuki Bakugo finds himself oddly attracted to someone in a way that would demolish his appreciated image. Taunted by his own emotions and questioning the best of his decisions, after encount...
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The Death of an Ambitious Hero
"I like you"
The fake declaration stung so greatly the tip of my tongue, that after voicing such falsehood I immediately cringed at her reaction; she accepted me after asking her out. This is how far I am going, so extremely far that I will be going on a date with the person I resent.
Currently, I am wearing one of my best suits; not too formal yet dignified in this commitment. Wearing a burgundy short sleeve aloha shirt, khaki shorts, my usual black shoes, and a sidebag for my camera. Sighing almost every second, I continously wondered if I was so careless to put my life in the line, or had no shame on risking doing this plan. Previously, I schemed to go on a date with Uraraka and make her fall for me more than she ever did. This way, I could break her heart into pieces, and humiliate herself over it.
But... I was not convinced, no matter my anticipation to visualize her frail state.
That was really an idiotic plan to begin with. There is no purpose for it other than illed intentions and selfish gain, which would lead to Deku and I on a peaceful space of affection and circulating attention. I want to revolve in his mind forever, so I guess that the value of this case is mainly for my desire rather than securing him from unwanted influences. Despite the definite accordance, I was lost.
I really questioned how did Uraraka's mind process. She suspected me to be her assualter of yesterday's night, yet she was so willing to overlook the slight possibilities of me being the culprit. Not sure whether she truly believes from the bottom of her heart that it was my exertion, but her ignorance goes from way upper limits than my expectations. Even so, even as I am bestowned by confusion and implemented into a stage of undecisiveness, I am not cowering away. This time, things will proceed smoothly.
Arranging the time, setup, and place in which our hurried date will transpire, many modifications assured the flexibility of my goal. Since I proposed this confession too suddenly, it was a mere mess deciding on the area in which we were going to wander. However, despite these inconveniences, because Uraraka is a thirsty bitch only wanting to consume the attention of every living male around her, she did not refuse. Therefore, she agreed with everything I prepared, such as setting up the meeting place at a very far restaurant at 6PM without any of our classmates realizing. Meaning, we had to sneak out, and I am practically sure she is an expert at it.
Do you get the point? There will be no physical evidence that we went out on a date, apart from the receipts and her personal alibi, just like she and Deku used to constantly do.
After preparing an hour ago, at five o'clock, immediately did I fasten towards the gates of the school, and called for an uber. The place of the meet up was, like I said before, a bountiful distance from this region, so I do not expect her to walk by feet. However, the reason why I got ready in such minimum yet significant time is because, apart from our classmates not meant to see us step out mutually, is for me to mentally arrange a few other attractions. Basically, we were going to feast a little casually on a nicely-rated restaurant, then go watch a movie in which I asigned the genre to be horror, and then we will navigate the forest to gaze at the lake. I have it all planned, all neatly staged in order to drain shamelessly that ounce of love she ever had for me, and threaten her to never speak or share glances to Deku ever again. It was perfect, but if her friends believed her enough with those meaningless rumours, if she ever voiced out this one menacing threat, most would not hesitate to report me.