Chapter 6: The Heartless Scheme

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The Heartless Scheme

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The Heartless Scheme

Oh dear, the beauty of suffering was so appealing. What other emotions can outmatch the same level of extremity as agony and malice? Possibly many, but in this case, I am just getting started on witnessing its put-into-action effects. I was climbing outside in the sturdy wind with a rope attached to a hook, escalating myself up to Deku's balcony. It was midnight and the same period in which I pounded my head against the wall after an internal deterioration. Deku did not see my message; he never did, and now it was too late for it to be given a chance. By pasting a small bandage, I succeeded in hiding the swollen bump in the middle of my forehead. Afterwards, I stayed in my room to proceed with my studies, never exiting to see that bitch again. However, then major desires cultivated, and I grew an impatience of seeing the quality of his face. Sadly, it was not the idealest decision to knock on Deku's door, so I rathered do it without his consciousness prevailed.

Climbing turned out to be simpler than expected.

I tossed the rope over the barrier with my quirk, hooking the peak in the vertical gap of the handrail balusters of the platform. Assuring its tightness by pulling, it appeared fine, so I stepped on the wall of outside and stomped firmly upward, reaching the surface with effort but ease. To my relief, it was sheer victory as I had not stumbled once or got caught. Once I reached the handrails, I held onto one stick and hopped myself up, dragging my legs. Even if I abandoned my grasp on the rope, it was not going to fall off to the ground since the fierce hook was stuck between two poles. Switching to the other side, I finally stood in his balcony, and could perfectly admire his form through the glass.

"Idiot," smirked I. Anyone could see him if they pleased since his curtains were wide opened. My fascination formulated a knot inside of my stomach by the sight of watching him sleep. So peaceful; I loved it, but remarking memorable horrors of the moments he was knocked unconscious by a disreputable villain.

Before so, I brought a bag storing picking tools, my camera, a flashlight, the previous hook, and a black tint marker. Therefore, I swapped the bag from my shoulders and sought with guts through its contents, clenching onto the item. The short lock pick shone in my fingertips from the moon's reflection, filling me with wicked ambition. I was not a professional, but I was always exceptionally skilled in everything my hands tried and often accomplished my determined goals.

First, I applied the tension tool at the bottom of the lock of the balcony's door. Rummaging through which lockpick's size fit the best, I found one in which matched a complex curl that could arch through the interior structure. Sticking the main pick above the shear line with my right hand, while pressing the tension tool downward with the left, I speculated the pins on the correct height. The resistance minimized after twirling it, urging me to apart with my heart beating with certain sensation of glory. Turning the cylinder of the lock, I managed to hear a satisfying click.

Yes! Preventing myself from punching the window from happiness, the tools returned inside the main zipper of the bag. All I needed to do was to open the door and enter Deku's room. God, the hot adrenaline rushing through my blood; it was so intense that the ability to reason was missing from my mastery. Removing the gloves of my hands, I slid the edge of the window aside, allowing the strong breeze to greet the room's atmosphere. Quietly, roaring when I introduced my foot.

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