Driven by the thoughts he had forced himself to believe, Katsuki Bakugo finds himself oddly attracted to someone in a way that would demolish his appreciated image. Taunted by his own emotions and questioning the best of his decisions, after encount...
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The Beggining of a Fatal Hatred
Amidst the talkative crowd in the enclosed room, the students of Class 1-A conversed with intrigue as they were preparing themselves to depart. After World History, they quickly packed their notebooks and stored it inside their backpacks, standing up alonside their comforting group of friends. Eijiro and Denki directed to Katsuki, who was still writing a sentence peacefully.
"Class is over, dude. You can stop taking notes and finish it after lunch," Eijiro argumented, placing his hands on the blond's desk. Denki stood aside, nodding in agreement and soon leaving once noticing Kyouka in a glance.
Katsuki didn't say anything in return, keeping his stare at the pencil. His mind was congested with many thoughts to think of that, in the end, he didn't know what he was focusing on. Class notes, the next Hero Commissions he'll apply to, his Hero Agency's instructor's recommendations, homework, his exercise session, and Deku.
Thinking of the different photo angles he'll take regarding the light's sensibility. Using his camera, the distance in which he'll photograph Deku's face, poses, and even the slightest movements. A change in his frown. A form in his stretched, bright smile. An appearance of his teeth. A blink of his eyelids.
He wanted to see him in different positions. Wanted to see the many ways Deku's reactions could veer. From time to time, Katsuki scratched his head when it ached as he obsessed over it. But now that class' over, excluding the chatting of his classmates, the absence of his teacher's lecture had eased his tension.
Why was Bakugo like that?
Well, it was complicated.
Seeing the green-haired grow until he had reached the privelege of being a great hero had enraged Bakugo, to say the least. He had the courage, the kind heart, the drive, and strong compassion of saving those in need. He had everything a hero required, only that he just needed a quirk to put him on the ring. Bakugo refused to be left behind, refused to be weaker or less capable than anyone.
But... seeing how his reason and ideal traits of becoming the best were all possessed by him, noticing how he was more alike than he could have ever imagined, he felt something. Something as in a connection, as if they had a lot in common in which he was solely realizing it just then. Bakugo admired those with inmense potential, and once facing the outstanding attributes of the one he had considered his rival, he changed his view of him.
For him, Deku was someone to be appreciated. Someone to be praised exccessively for their mighty strength in which he still dared to surpass. He was going to be the best, but he wanted to be standing aside.
At one point, he had thought about it too much, too much that he took photography lessons.
Of course Katsuki couldn't go to Izuku and say how much he thought about him everyday. Not even stare at him from a distance he could, or else he would be labeled as a creep or assumed that he was planning to attack. Having photographs of his face and body helped this issue. Satisfying himself from distancing his boundaries, always paying attention to the little one without being found. He had taken a multitude in which were stacked in his dorm. Hundreds, to be exacted, in simply one month.